First Sight - Thomas Sangster

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You wake up to someone shaking your shoulders violently.

"Ah," you say brushing the hands off you.

"Wake up, we have to get off the plane now," Dylan says.

You groan.

"The flight to London has arrived at the designated destination. Please exit the aircraft," The intercom states.

You stand up and realize you and your best friend Dylan are the only ones left on the plane.

"She's talking to us, you know?" Dylan says.

"Oh shut up," you say yawning.

You gather your things and head out the plane.

"Thomas is gonna meet us here," Dylan says.

You've never met Thomas before, but Dylan always talked about him.

"Okayyyy," you slur, you barely got any sleep and you wanted to rest.

You both head to the baggage claim and sit down on a bench.

Dylan let's you stay by the bench while he goes to the carrousel.

You fight your heavy eyelids.

After about 15 minutes, Dylan returns with a frown on his face.

"They had some problems with the baggage. Probably gonna take another hour. Thomas will be here then, I guess," Dylan says wearily.

He joins you on the bench and you both agree to fall asleep. You rest your head on Dylan's lap while he leans back against the wall.

Thomas's POV

I enter the baggage area, looking for Dylan.

As soon as I enter I see Dylan's bag circling on the thing.

I head over and get it then scan the room for Dylan and his friend.

Suddenly, I spot him and a girl sleeping on a bench to the side of the building.

I furrow my eyebrows as I approach them. When I am about a few inches away I wake Dylan up.

"Huh? What?" he says and then he looks up at me.

"Oh, shit! Sorry man! Y/N and I kinda just fell asleep," he says directing to the girl sleeping softly on his lap.

"Wow, is that...her?" I asked, shocked. She is so beautiful and soft.

"Oh, yeah. Hey...can you carry her? I've gotta get my luggage." Dylan asks me.

"I-I what? Carry her?" I ask. Shocked that I am shuddering but also by the wish I was just granted.

"Yeah, so will you?" he asks again.

"Sure," I manage to say. Y/N's face is mostly covered by her hair. She looks so delicate and perfect.

"C'mon man," Dylan says.

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