MA-15 (pt2) - Thomas Sangster

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"Is that alright with you Y/N?" Wes asks, bringing you out of your doubt and fear.

"" your eyes glance at Thomas, and unreadable expression is painted on his face. Making your stomach twirl with that familiar nervous twist.

I could loose my job if I say no. what if I say yes and Thomas says no?

"It's alright girl, I know you can handle this," Kaya whispers.

I was sure I couldn't. For one thing, I didn't know how to have sex like they do in the movies. And why did it have to be with Thomas? The guy that I have a crush on but has a girlfriend?!

"Just say yes Y/n, your going to embarrass-" Kaya begin but you understand what she is saying and look Wes strait in the eye.

"Yes," you say. 

Wes nods and turns his attention to Thomas, "How about you Thomas?" he asks.

It was awkward that we had to answer in front of everyone, my anxiety was telling me he was going to say no. 

"I'm alright with that, yeah," Thomas says casually, but I can see the blush etched on his cheeks.

Seeing this, I feel heat rush to my cheeks. But I cover it with my hair and I lean on my hand, already ready for this meeting to be over.

After about a half and hour, the meeting is dismissed. Before I can sigh in relief, Wes calls after Thomas and I.

I try to slither out of the room, pertending I didnt hear. But Kaya sees me and smirks, pushing me back inside the room. Mouthing the words 'you'll be fine'.

I roll my eyes at her but turn back around. 

"Hey guys," Wes begins, "I just wanted to clear a few things. First, I dont want this to change the relationship between you guys. I love your friendship which is why I decided on this. You are both mature actors and I am positive you can do this. Any questions?" he asks.

"Um yeah," Thomas says, making my knees weak, "where do we find time to...get it on?" he chuckles trying to lighten the mood.

Wes understands the humor, "yes your right the scorch is not necessarily a time for that but it happens late one night after the gang escapes from Wicked," Wes explains, "also, I'm giving you two the script for it separately. Knowing the others, they might make fun of you, so I'll give it to them later," he assures.

Thomas nods, then he looks down at me. I look away, feeling extremely insecure about this whole situation.

"Also, I am aware, Thomas, you have a girlfriend. Will she handle this well?" he asks.

"Pretty sure," Thomas says, for the first time I can sense an uneasy in his voice.

"I've got to go but I will see you later," Wes says, then quickly leaves the tension.

"Hey," Thomas says, "you good?" Thomas asks.

I look up at him for the first time, my eyes locking with his brown orbs. I suck in a deep breath, realizing I'll fail to lie to him.

" don't know how to do this," you admit, scared he'll judge you.

"It's alright, love. I've never had one either. Though I almost did, I still am not sure either," he says, trying to comfort me. 

"B-but-" you cut yourself off when Ki and Dylan burst in the room. Ki Hong runs over and hugs Thomas. 

"Haven't seen you yet man! Who knew you were going to get laid?" he smirks.

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