Thomas Sangster

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Can we all just take a moment to remember that Thomas Sangster is perfect.

Sure there are moments where he may look less than perfect but you know what, everyone has those! And that just makes him more perfect.

The Video above just makes me want Thomas sooooo bad!

But I know I will never have him, and probably never even meet him. And maybe...just are in the same boat.

So here is my advice to you; be your best self--be the best you can be, push yourself to the limit of your ability, FURTHER!

Second, there is someone out there for you, some love for you. But that doesn't mean you have to stop loving Thomas. Thomas will always be in my heart, and yours.

And finally, don't wait for something to happen. Don't think 'i'll do it later' or 'i don't have to deal with this now' or even 'i'll deal with this in the future'

No, nuh uh girl, do what you can do to better yourself.

I love you all so freaking much.

Ps make sure to watch the video bc Thomas is so hot and sexy and cute and himself.

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