A Greenie Experience - Newt

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You are the first girl greenie, but when you come up in the box, you are knocked out. They await you to regain consciousness as you lie on a medjack bed. 

"I think we should get back to work, she's clearly not waking up anytime soon," Alby says and gets up to leave.

In the room, Minho, Thomas, and Newt do not want to leave your side.

In the room, Minho, Thomas, and Newt do not want to leave your side

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"Minho, Thomas, and Newt! Let's go," Alby orders.

"Fine," Minho says and races out the door.

But Thomas and Newt refuse.

"Alby, she needs to be supervised in case she wakes up, i'll just stay here," Newt says.

"Alright fine, but Thomas, you have to get back to work," Alby demands.

"But..." Thomas tries.

"No excuses, get off your ass shank!" Alby states.

Thomas saunters towards the door and slowly leaves the room, leaving Newt alone with you.

He stares at your beautiful face and perfect eyes. Already predicting them to be a beautiful brown/blue/green/hazel color.

At that very moment, her eyelids flutter open.

You look up at the foreign surroundings and jump up on the bed.

You gasp.

Your head darts around the room.

The you stand up and before you can think to head to the door, a hand is gripped to your wrist. You jump back.

"Calm down, greenie. It's alright, I won't hurt you," a british accent says, coming from the blonde haired boy before you.

"W-where am I?!" You shout and pull your hand away from his grasp.

You try to escape the room again but he grabs both of your shoulders.

"Hey! Calm down, alright?" He tries to reassure.

"Don't touch me!" You scream and soon after, boys rush into the room.

"Oh great. The girls awake!" Someone says.

Now you realize your chances of escape are slim. You walk backwards towards the back of the room.

"G-get the hell away from me!" you exclaim.

The blonde haired boy holds his hand out in front to me.

"It's alright..." he starts but then a dark skinned boy steps in front.

"Welcome to the Glade greenie, the names Alby." he introduces.

"This is Newt," he gestures towards the boy who was with me when I woke up. "He'll take care of you, for now."

Everybody exits and I catch a glimpse of a boy with black hair and a blue shirt.

When they all leave you sit back on the bed, thoughts overwhelming you.

"Why was I sent here?" you ask Newt.

"We don't know...but we have been here long enough to function with a system," he says trying to explain something to me.

"I-I have to go," you say and jump up out of the room and down some stairs and outside to a greenery enclosed in four walls.

Newt approaches you again.

"You like it greenie?" he asks

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"You like it greenie?" he asks.

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