Passion - Thomas Sangster

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Thomas loves you so much it makes him feel surreal. Recently, you confessed your love to him and he was so happy he felt the same.

Thomas slowly moves his hand towards your and places his warm hand in your cold on.

You stiffen and so does he, until you move your fingers further and intertwine with him.

You send him a small smile and he looks down at you smirking lightly, he licks his lips.

You bite your lip, Thomas made you feel so magical.

"Love, you know I hate it when you do that," Thomas smirks, referring to your lip bite.

"Urm..." you trail off but then turn to Thomas and see him looking deep into your eyes. His eyes trailing down to your lips every other second. Stealing glances.

"T-Thomas?" you ask nothing in particular.

Until all of a sudden Thomas leans into you and kisses you on the lips.

He sucks on your bottom lip and then pulls out.

He sucks on your bottom lip and then pulls out

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"That was..." you trail off.

"Lovely," Thomas says but he is a bit shocked.

"Are you okay?" you ask.

"Yes, it this really happening?" he asks sweetly.

"Yes Tommy," you grin and pull him in for another kiss.

Sorry this is soooo bad and fluff but i'm in writers block because I can't think of anything good! Any requests??

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