Slammer probs - Newt

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You are talking with Minho near the wall of names. You are in love with Newt but you want to make sure nobody knows, even your best friend Minho.

You continue the conversation.

"Minho! Stop fooling around, I need your advice! I love him!" you exclaim.

Minho shrugs.

Seconds later, you hear an angelic voice, "Who do you love?" Newt says.

Seconds later, you hear an angelic voice, "Who do you love?" Newt says

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"Thom..." Minho starts but you cover his mouth.

"No one," you say.

"So you like Thomas, huh? Well I can give you advice if you want," Newt says.

Your heart breaks, he seems to be inneffected by the fact that you like someone other than him.

You frown and turn and walk to the homestead.

Meanwhile, "Minho, why does she hate me?" Newt asks Minho.

"She doesn't hate you bro," Minho says,

"Yes she bloody does! When I offered to help, she frowned at me and ran! And how can I even bloody compete with Thomas..." Newt says but then his eyes widen at what he just said in front of Minho.

"Dude, don't act surprised, I knew you liked her," Minho says, "and don't worry, i'll talk to Thomas," Minho says and runs off.

"Wait! Minho!" Newt says but Minho runs off.

Later that night...

You are sitting by a log by the fire and someone taps you on the shoulder.

You turn around and see Thomas smiling at you. You two were good friends.

"Oh hey Thomas," you say and tuck your knees into your chest as Thomas sits down.

"Can I trust you?" You ask.

"Oh course Y/n," Thomas says while taking a bite of his dinner.

"Well...I really like someone in the Glade and I kinda used your name to cover it up, i'm sorry," you say and look away.

I really like someone in the Glade and I kinda used your name to cover it up, i'm sorry," you say and look away

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"Hey, that's fine," he says and uses his hand to pull your cheek to face him.

He keeps his hand on your cheek.

"Who is this Glader that you like?" Thomas asks.

"Urm, I-I I" you stutter.

He puts his other hands around your shoulder, and pulls you closer. Your heart rate quickens.

His hand is still on your shoulder and his thumb is moving in light circles on your face.

He pulls you closer and closer to his face.

Until you are centimeters apart. When his lips lightly brush against yours you pull back but he holds you in place with his hand.

"What in bloody hell!" you hear someone shout as Thomas is dragged away from you.

"What do you think your shucking doing shuckface!" Minho says.

"We were just kissing..." Thomas starts but is stopped with a punch in the face, sent by Newt.

You gasp, then you turn your heels and run for the deadheads, wanting to get away and clear your head.

When you make it far into the forest, you feel and hand in your shoulder, but when you turn around, nothing is there.

You start to cry and feel the need to lock yourself away. Hiding from everyone,

So, you slip out of the forrest and across the Glade then you open the doors to a slammer and lock yourself inside.

Accordingly, you feel a hand on your shoulder.

"Get the hell away from me!!!" you scream without looking back.

Then the hand moves off and a voice says, "Sorry, love," it says.

You abruptly turn around to see Newt.

"Oh! Sorry Newt, I thought you were...something else," you say.

"It's alright," he says.

"How did you end up in the slammer?" You ask.

"I should ask you the same question," he chuckles.

"No, um, I kind of punched Tommy in the face," Newt says.

"Oh, I just came here to get away. I didn't think they would put you in the slammer," you point out.

"Wait your telling me you wanted to be in the slammer?!" he says, surprised.

"It's not too bad," you say.

"It's better with you," Newt says.

You blush. But you try to hide it with your hands.

"Don't hide your face love," Newt says.

A few minutes pass before some ruffling above happens.

Fear takes hold of you and you start to shake and move backwards, away from the entrance.

You don't realize until you hear a soft voice in your ear, "Don't be afraid love," it says.

You look to the direction of the voice to see you ontop of Newt and your arms shaking. One of your hands in his.

"S-sorry," you say and as you are about to pull away and hand rests on your waist.

Instead of being even more scared or uncomfortable, you sink deeper into him.

You hug him tighter as his grip around your waist moves up and down sending butterflies thought you.

"I love you," he whispers.

Then you can feel him tense up.

"I love you," you respond and he relaxes.

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