Deeper - Thomas Sangster

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You share an apartment with Thomas but you are not dating, you have a boyfriend who lately has been treating you badly.

You run up the stairs of the building, you can hear him behind you but you didn't stop.

He chases you, he's stronger, faster.

He catches you and shoves you against the wall, then he rips your fragile shirt and it falls slowly to the cold cement ground.

"Stop! Please! No!" you yell.

He punches your lip.

For a second he feels bad for what he did, you use this time to dark up the stairs and glide down the hallway.

You look back once and see him trudging towards you.

You fumble with the roomkey.

He is coming closer.

You hesitate and jam the roomkey into the hole and it lights red.

"Dammit!" you spit.

You try again and it is green so you pull the door open and slam it closed.

You put your back against the door. Relieved that you made it out alive.

Then you feel a pressure against your back, he is pounding on the door.

You jerk off the door and run to the bathroom, the only room with a lock.

Fortunately, it was unlocked and you darted in and slammed the door and locked it.

You are still breathing heavy and you feel the need to cry, but no tears come.

A second later, your special surroundings become a priority to recognize and you realize you are not alone in the bathroom.

He seems to just realize it too as you turn around and see Thomas in the shower.

"Bloody hell y/n!" He says, covering himself.

"Bloody hell y/n!" He says, covering himself

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He gets out of the shower to come to you.

"Y/n! Why are you bleeding? Why are you shirtless? Are you alright!?" he asks, getting out of the shower.

"I-I-um..." you stutter.

"Who did this to you?" he asked as he looks deep into your eyes.

"Who did this to you?" he asked as he looks deep into your eyes

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"{your evil boyfriends name}." you whisper.

He pulls you into a hug. You cry a bit on his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry, Y/n, shhh, calm down. I'm here for you now," he comforts and gives you a kiss on the forehead.

You sink deeper into him, feeling like you could dissapear, in his presence.

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