Chapter 4

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The Next Morning:
It was around 8am when I got awoken by someone knocking my door.. again. I ran downstairs, whilst riding up my robe and opened the door to reveal a delivery man.
"Parcel for Emily" he said, handing me a box. I accepted it and opened it up revealing roses. There was no note with them. But I smiled happily at them and sat them in a vase.

It was around 11am when I walked into the diner where I was meeting the guys for breakfast. Everyone was already there so I must have been quite late.
"Morning!" Joe said to me, as I walked up.
"You look nice" Murr said to me.
"You look beautiful" Sal said.
Q waved, quite embarrassed at Murr and Sal.
"Thanks" I said to Murr and Sal, who were sat on either side of the booth. I took a seat on the End by Murr. He was smiling at me, and so was Sal (who was opposite me).
"Shall we get the drinks?" Q asked.
"I'll get them!" I said.
"I'll help" Murr added. Me and Murr got up at the same time and walked at the same time. Sal put his foot up out to trip Murr up (to embarrass him), but ended up griping me up instead, and I tripped onto the floor.
"I'm so sorry!" Sal said to me, leaving in the ground next to me. He held my hand as I got to my feet.
"Why would you do that Sal?" Murr asked, smirking, hoping Sal would get into trouble.
"It's fine Sal" I said to him.
"You could've really hurt yourself" Murr said to Sal to make him feel worse.
"I know!" Sal snapped at Murr. "Are you sure your okay Em?" Sal asked me.
I looked up into his eyes.
"I'm fine" I reassured Sal with a smile.
"Are you sure Em?" Murr asked me.
"It's only Sal who calls me em" I said to Murr, making Sal laugh.
"But you are okay?" Sal asked me again.
"Yep" I replied. Sal kissed my forehead, which made Murr very VERY jealous.
"Here hold my hand" Murr offered.
"Look, I'm fine. Anyways, I have to go now anyway!" I said, running out the diner.

2pm in the afternoon!

I went up a little hill, where a lake sat below. I used to come here with my dad all the time. He passed away when I was around 10, and today was the anniversary of his death. I came here as it reminded me of him. I'd sit on the hill, watching the gently waves in the lake below, with my headphones on. As it was December, it was quite cold- but I didn't mind. I didn't have long as I had to go to set, but I wanted to spend a bit of time here.

As I sat there, with my headphones on loud, I felt someone place there hands on my shoulders. I quickly turned around to see Sal. I took out my headphones and smiled.
"Oh hey" I said to him. My eyes looked glassy, as there were a few tears in them.
"Hello. What are you doing up here?" Sal asked me.
"I could ask you the same!?" I replied with a smirk, as he sat next to me.
"Touché. I'm here to get away from the guys for a bit" he chuckled. "What about you?" He asked.
"Just..." I began. I never tell people about my dad, just because I never liked to speak about it. "Thinking about my dad" i revealed, with more tears in my eyes.
"Just ring him!" Sal said to me.
"I can't... he passed away when I was 10" I told him.
"I'm so sorry" Sal said, instantly regretting the joke he made.
"No it's fine" I said.
"But why here?" Sal asked.
"When I was younger, my dad used to take me for a picnic right over there" I said, pointing at a spot next to the river.  "We always called this place.. our place" I told Sal, letting the tears fall free from my eyes.
Sal saw I was upset and wrapped his arms around me. We just spent the time in each other's arms, in quiet.

When we got to set, I was quite upset again, but I tried to not let it effect me. I went over to the guys and just stood around as they spoke.
"Hey Emily, I was wondering if you would like to go to dinner ?" Murr asked me.
"Not tonight" I replied, hiding away my tears. Sal could tell I was upset.
"Just leave it Murr" Sal said to him. Murr thought Sal was trying to sabotage him, when really he was helping me.
"Go on. Tonight it will be great!" Murr forced. I kept denying his offer, but he kept forcing it onto me until I snapped.
"JUST GO AWAY!" I shouted at Murr and stormed off. I wiped away my tears as I left.
"Well done!" Sal sarcastically shouted at Murr. Q and Joe were confused as well.

"Em wait!" Sal shouted after me. I stopped, but didn't say a word.
"Look, I know Murr can be a handful sometimes, and I know your upset.." Sal said to me.
"It not just that" i said to Sal. "I heard Q saying to Joe about you and Murr fighting over things to say to me. It's just too much! I hate being apart of your games. I bet you and Murr laugh about me behind my back! I actually fancied you- but now I know you and Murr are using me like a joke... it hurts!" I shouted at Sal. I saw his eyes welling up too.
"Em it's not like that-" he said. 
"I'm sure it is! Your just using me as a joke" I said, walking away.
"Em!" Sal shouted, but I kept going. "I really like you too" Sal whispered to himself.

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