Chapter 6

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(Your POV)

I wake up but my eyes are still closed, I guess you can say that my mind is awake but my body isn't. But I don't mind really, because I feel really warm. So warm that I can just lay here and forget about all my troubles. I never thought I would ever be so comfortable in a haunted ship. I guess I should thank my new friend for keeping me company until I had fallen asleep.

Now that I think about it, I don't ever remember saying Goodnight to him. To be honest, I don't even remember seeing him leave my room. Maybe I dozed off on him while we were talking? I should probably get up and look for him to say thanks or something.

I wanted to wake up, but my pillow is just so warm that I just can't. Perhaps I should just open my eyes and let my mind wake up completely before I do anything else. I slowly open my eyes and the first thing I see is a bright room. I sit up to slowly rub my eyes to help my eyes adjust to the light. I guess the sun is all the way up since it's basically hitting the room.

I then heard shifting onto the bed and I turned my head and noticed that the zombie from last night is sitting next to me.

Zombie- "Um....Good morning (y/n)..."

You- "Good I ask why you spent the night?"

Zombie- ".......sure?"

He blushed and it made me want to giggle, but he wasn't blushing out if shyness, but embarrassment.

You- "Are you okay?"

Zombie- "Um....I spent the night because......"

You- "Just tell me, I swear I won't get mad."

Zombie- ".....I know you won't....but Absalom will."

You- "Oh man, can you please just stop worrying about him for once?!"

Zombie- "(Y/N?)"

You- "Everyone here tries to stay on Absalom's good side but why should you? I bet he never even treats you guys like actual people, after hearing how he yelled at you I just can't help but hate him!"

Zombie- "Um...(y/n)..."

You- "No! Let me finish..."

Zombie- "Okay...."

You- "And on top of that he is a pervert....if that's how he is then why does he want to get married?!...Perverts are not meant to get you know why?"

Zombie- "Umm..."

You- "Because they constantly cheat and LIE!!!"

Zombie- "(Y/n)?"

You- "If I marry a man that will look at other women after hes bored of me then what's the point of falling in love with him in the first place?!"

Zombie- "(Y/n)?"

You- "How can he expect me to give him a chance if he can't even be faithful for someone? In the end, I am just a prisoner in this ship....."

I could feel my tears coming back and I clung onto my pillow, or whatever it is, as I sniffled and put my face on it.

Zombie- "Um....(y/n) any chance..are you done?"

I let out a deep sigh and I nodded.

Zombie- "Good...I didn't want to say anything at first because you were comfortable but now I really need you to let go...."

You- "Hmm? Let go? But what are you-?"

I looked at my pillow and realized I had been clinging onto the zombie this whole time, not only that but I appear to be crushing him.

To Love A Beast - Absalom x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now