{21} Holmes Chapel

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Eight years later



"Cadence, wakie wakie" I said knocking on my eight year old daughter's bedroom door. "No, I wanna sleep in mum, it's the weekend" She groaned.

I chuckled and rolled my eyes, Cadence was a bit stubborn like me.

"Fine than, looks like you won't be going to Holmes Chapel for the day" I said walking away.

Cadence jumps off her bed and swings open the door. "I'm coming!" She said still in her pink hello kitty pyjamas.

Cadence loved Harry, he was her favourite besides Niall. "You have breakfast first and than get dressed" I said bending down and grabbing her shoulders. "Yes mummy" she nodded and skipped down stairs.

I walked down stairs to find my Irish blonded headed husband, Niall, tackling Cadence on the couch. "Daddy!" She squelled and laughed. Niall and Cadence had a bond, they're like twins, they're identical and Cadence listens to Niall more than she listens to me. "Come on now, Cadence we're leaving soon" I said buttering my toast. "Is daddy coming?" She asked as she ran over to me. "No sweetheart, I can't come I've gotta stay home and do some guitar practise" said Niall as he walked over to me and put his arm around my waste.

She sighed and looked up at me. "I've finished breakfast" she handed me a plate with bread crums all over it. "Thank baby girl, now go get changed please" I smiled and shooed her off up stairs, Niall and I following after her.

Niall and walked into the bathroom to brush our teeth. "What time will you back?" Asks Niall grabbing his tooth brush and putting toothpaste on it. "I don't know, it depends how long I stay at Harry's" I said spitting the tooth paste down the sink. "Fair enough" he nods and splashes his face with water. "Why, is there a problem?" I ask him washing away the tooth paste from my tooth brush. "No, not at all, just gonna miss ya sexy face" he winks and smacks my butt.

I laugh and smack his butt back. "Cadence, come brush your teeth please" I called out to her. She came running in the bathroom and tried to climb up on the sink. "Here baby girl" I grabbed her hannah montana tooth brush and put a bit of her bubblegum tooth paste on it. "Thanks mummy" she brushed her teeth and the tooth past end up all around her mouth.

I chuckle and grab a tissue to wipe the tooth paste off around her mouth. "Thanks mummy" she smiles and had tooth paste all in her mouth. I lifted her up and she spat her tooth paste down the sink. "Good girl" I smiled and put her down on the floor.

Just about Cadence and I left, I gave Niall and quick hug and kiss. "I'll see you tonight" I smiled and grab his collar of his shirt and planted a warm kiss on his lips. "See you tonight babe, I Love You" he said as he gave me a hug and nuzzled his head head against my chest. "I Love You Too" I said running my fingers through his hair. "Come here shithead" said Niall picking Cadence up and tickling her, she laughed and screamed. "Stop daddy" her face went bright red as she laughed really loud. "Okay be a good girl, daddy loves you" says Niall pinching her nose and give her a kiss on the head.

I smile as I watch my husband and my daughters amazing bond together, we're the most happiest family and we always will be. "Okay Cadence, come on sweetheart" I sighed and threw my bag over my shoulder. She gave Niall a kiss on the cheek which made me 'aww'. "Love you daddy" She said as he put her down on the ground. "Love you too CC" said Niall. Everyone calls her CC for short.

Cadence and I arrive in Holmes Chapel, I turn around and see Cadence looking out the window clapping her hands. She was really excited to see Harry and Gemma. We pull up in there drive way and knock on there door. "Coming" I hear Gemma's voice. She opens the door and gives Cadence and I a hug.

"Come in, come in" she lets us inside and shuts the door behind us. Cadence walks in the living room and gives Harry a hug. "Harry" she squelled. He lifted her up and put her on his hip. "Hello Cadence" he said kissing her on the head. "You're your dads little girl, arn't you?" He asked. She nodded and bit her lip. "She's indeed daddy's little girl" I said peeping around the corner. "Zhanna!" Said Harry putting Cadence on the ground and giving me a hug.

"Hey Harry" I smiled and patted him on the back. "How's Niall?" He asked. "His great thank you" I said pushing my hair behind my ear. "Cadence, do want some orange juice?" Asked Gemma. "No thank you, dad gave me some this morning" she said tucking on skinny jeans.

Gemma and I talked for a long time while Cadence and Harry watched T.V. He was very good with my daughter and really respected her, he would make a lovely dad.

I looked at the time and it was seven o'clock. "Shit! I gotta get home, Niall will get worried" I said giving Gemma and Harry a quick hug. "Bye Harry" said Cadence giving him a quick hug and then giving Gemma one. "See ya CC" said Gemma and Harry. "See ya Later guys" I grabbed my bag and picked Cadence up. "See ya Zed" said Harry giving me a quick hug and a small kiss on the cheek. "I'll call you through the week" said Gemma also giving me a small hug.

"Yeah, that will be lovely" I said as I walked to the door. "Oh and say hi to Niall from me" said Harry peeking around the corner. "Will do" I smiled and walked out to the car. I quickly pulled my phone out of my pocket and texted Niall. 'I'll be home around eight thirty xx love you' I locked the screen and drove off.

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