{10} The Call

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Two year later



I sit at the table giving Calum a thumb war. "One two three four I declare a thumb war five six seven eight who do we apprietiate" says Calum and myself.

Calum grabs my thumb a pushes it down. "I win!" He exclaims. "I'm better than you" he teases. "Sure sure" I sigh and let out a laugh, rolling my eyes.

Perrie comes in the living room and sits next to me. "Sup" she says. I was right, though out two years, we became good friends. "Wheres Zayn?" I ask.

"His out with the boys" she stratches her head and grabs her phone. I feel my phone vibrate in the pocket of my pants and I pull it out.

"Hello" I leave the table and hold my phone against my ear. "Hey it's Liam, can you please come to the park, Niall wants you to come" he says.

"Um...okay, I'm coming" I end the call.

Niall Horan
Today was the day, the day I was going to tell my girlfriend that i want to wake up with her every morning with her in my bed, that I want to spend the rest of my life with her.

"She's coming" Liam said as he walked up to me. I felt my hands temble as I crossed my fingers and looked up at the sky. "Please" i whispered.

"Are you okay mate?" Louis asked. "No! I'm so fucking nervous" I muttered, biting my nails.

"Hey, think positive and she loves you Niall and she'll most likely say yes" Louis have me the advice and i took it. "Thanks Louis, couldn't it without you mate" I smiled and gave him a manly hug.

I practised my speech i was gonna tell Zhanna. I pulled out the silver engagement ring that had 'forever & always' neatly carved along the side.

"Niall, she's here" Harry called out. I stood up and felt the bones rattle around in my body, I was so fucking nervous.

"Hey babe" she hugged me and kissed me gently on the lips. I smiled and put my arms around her waiste, i really didn't want to let her go.

"Hey baby girl" I smiled and stroked her hair. I grabbed her hand and pulled her under the big blossom tree we would always go when we were together.

"Zhanna, i've been meaning to tell you this for a long time" I started and started panicking. "What is it?" She frowned.

"I've loved you ever since the day I laid my eyes on you, i love everything you do, i love the way you talk, the way you say my name, i love your hair, your eyes, your skin, your lips, your nose, your legs, your accent and most of all, you. You're literally the most amazing, talented, caring and beautiful girl I have ever met and I've never really loved a girl until i found you, when I'm with you it's love, you are love, us spending time together is love. Zhanna, I want to wake up every morning with you in bed next to me, i want to sit across the dining table from you when we having breakfast, lunch and dinner, i want you to give birth and raise my child with me, i want to be with you til the day i die. Zhanna, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" i was down on one knee looking at her face expression.

Her hands were over her mouth and she began to cry. "Oh my god" she smiled. "Is it a yes?" I asked. "Yes! Oh my god! Yes! I will marry you Niall Horan! Yes! Yes!" She jumped into my arms and passionantly kissed me on the lips.

"Here you go baby girl" i whispered as I slid the engagement ring on her finger. "I love you" she smiled and wipes her tears away. "No! I love you!" I smiled, kissing her forehead.

All the boys cheered and so did the girls. "WWOOOOOOO" The girls screamed to the top of their lungs.

"YYYEEEEAAAAHHH" the boys all cheered. Out the corner of my eye I saw flashes and I couldn't care less because i was with my fìance.

Zhanna H.S

After being in a apartment for a year, Niall offered me to move in with him and I've been living with him ever since. "Zhanna! I love you!" Niall yelled through the house. I ran up to him and jumped in his arms. "I love you too Niall!" I yelled. I kissed him all over his face and squezzed his cheeks. "You're so adorable! I want to cuddle you!" I laughed as I threw my arms around his neck.

"I can't wait til we're married" Niall said more quieter."same here" I smiled and pecked his lips.

I walked over to grab my phone of Niall and my bed and scroll through my twitter notifications.

'EMERGED! Niall Horan Engaged to his aussie girlfriend Zhanna earlier this morning'

'No! What the hell is wrong with him?! He's ours! Not hers! #wehateNihanna

'She's way too ugly for him! He deserves better!'

'I'm happy for him! We all should be happy, he loves her! #Nihannaengagment

'Awh! Congrats @zhannahs and @NiallOfficial on the engagment, glad you're happy #Nihannaengagment'

I honestly don't give a shit about the hate, the best thing is just to block it all and ignore it. I smiled at the lovely tweets and also retweeted a few.

I looked down my engagement ring and read the shiny carved words written along the it, Forever & Always. Will i be Niall's forever or his always or maybe even both, whatever it ment i'll always go by it and love it.

A/N: i'm updating my chapters and making them better :) some will be shorter than others and some will be longer than others, if theres any mistakes just don't worry and be happy


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