{33} Gone

54 0 0

Zhanna Horan



I was finally happy to be home again with my husband and daughter, I felt a little bit scared and uncondfident from being kidnapped by Cooper, but I had soon gotten more healthier and I was no longer skinny.

I lied awake in bed for a while with Niall, lacing our fingers together and kissing each other.

He wrapped his arms around my body and burried his head into my chest.

I looked at the clock on the bedside table and it was ten thirty in the morning, we didn't mind, everyone else was asleep and everyone just wanted to sleep in.

"I'm so happy that your back and that your going to be okay" Niall kissed my forehead and held his body close to mine.

"So am I, I missed my family so much, I thought I'd never see you or Cadence ever again" I said sleepishly as I pulled the doona over my shoulder.

"Same here, Cadence never knew that Cooper took you, I didn't tell her" Niall put his hand on my cheek and I frowned.

"Did she question herself?" I asked.

"Probably" he closed his eyes and rested his head into the pillow.

"Ni, we should tell her, if anything happens she needs to know, anything can happen" I explained to Niall, I just hope he understand where I'm coming from.

"Okay, we'll tell her, I'll do whatever for you" he smiled and pecked my forehead.

"I love you" I whispered.

"I love you too" he whispered back.

Later during the day, Niall and I decided to have a small talk with Cadence.

"Cadence, take a sit please" I didn't turn my back to find her, I heard her walking down the hallway.

"Yes mummy" she was tired, I couls hear it in her voice.

"Did you get a rough night?" I asked her.

"Yes" she replied.

"It happens to me as well" I placed a plate full of bacon, eggs, tomato and toast in front of her and kisses her head.

"Thanks mummy" Said her Irish and Australian accent, Australian from me, Irish from Niall of course.

"No problem baby girl" I smiled and walked back into the kitchen.

I felt someone wrap their arms around me and I looked behind myself and found Niall.

"We still going to tell her, baby?" He kissed my neck and I turned around.

"Yep" I quickly said before kissing him.

"Hey baby girl, hows my little girl?" Niall scooped Cadence up in his arms and kisses her head.

"Hey daddy, I'm tired" she giggled as Niall put her down.

"Your always tired" he chuckled.

I made Niall and myself a cup of coffee and I also made a hot chocolate for Cadence.

"CC, mummy and daddy need to have a word with you" I said softly.

"Did I do something?" She asked, her eyes grew big like puppys' and she looked ashamed.

"No, you havn't at all" I looked at Niall and he grabbed my hand.

"I wasn't here for a few days because I got kidnapped, both Ella and I, Ella is still with the kidnapper and we had to tell you because he's after us" I explained.

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