{34} Leaving

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Cadence is actually gone, forever, my daughter I loved with all my heart, the one I had fun with, the one I would hold at night, the one I would tell stories to, the one I gave birth to, the one I raised, she was baby and now she's gone.

"NO! CADENCE!" I screamed to the top of my lungs, hot tears stung my cheeks, my heart was racing, my stomach felt like it was going to fall out of my butt, my throut was dry and I felt like I was going to vomit.

"No! Stop! Shhh, it's okay" Ashton grabbed my arm and tried to pull me away from the window.

"Shhh, if you calm down and take a deep breathe, everything will be okay" Grace commented.

"Your not a mother, you don't understand how I feel" I cried.

I sniffed my nose, my hands trembled, I tried to swallow, but it hurt my throut.

"Zhanna, I understand, I've got Liv, if anything happened to her Louis and I would be hurt as well" Ella said softly, slowly sitting beside me.

I smiled, I could understand her because she's a mother to one, just like me, she has a girl, just like me.

"It's just really hard because Niall and I loved her very much, she's our only child" I weeped.

"Yeah, I get it, I've got any only child, but the more you stress the worse it will get" Ella gently explained, she rubbed my knee and gave me a hug.

A few hours went past, with Cadence out of sight, I took some panadol and a glass of water because I had a massive headache, Niall sat beside me and grabbed a blanket and placed it around my body.

"Thanks" I mumbled queitly.

I could hardly breathe, forgot about talk.

"Hey babe, look at me" Niall finally spoke.

I turned my head to face his eyes and he moved his lips.

"When you told me you where pregnant with Cadence, I didn't know what to say, I was happy, but when she was born, I felt amazing and better than I've ever been before, I knew I couldn't let her go, she was better than I had wished for, I love her just like you, I'll never love anyone else more than I love her and you, she'll come back, you watch, she will" Niall's bottum lip wobbled and a tear ran down his face as it fell in his hand.

"I love her too and I love you too, she's amazing, she's our baby girl and she's out in the cold, in the open world, I don't want to loose you next!" I wrapped my arms around Niall's neck and sunk my head into his chest.

The beat of his heart made me smile, I loved listen to his heartbeat, it was liking it was telling me something and it was.

The morning came around, I was curled up in a ball with my arm around Niall's neck, the sunlight beamed lightly through the small window.

"Morning sweetheart" Niall groaned as he rubbed his eyes.

"Morning shitface" I joked and I put my hand on his face.

I looked over my shoulder and saw Grace eating some bacon and eggs fir breakfast.

"Where did you get that?" I ask her.

"Flight attender, she's lovely" She smiled and put some bacon in her mouth.

"Nice" I smiled.

"Did you have rough night, did you think of Cadence?" She asked.

My heart sank, I remembered Cadence was gone.

"No, I was fine" I commented softly.

"Hey, it's going to be okay, stay strong" She rubbs my arm and looks deep into my eyes as if it was a promise.

Forever & Always [Niall Horan]Where stories live. Discover now