{25} Run Away

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Cadence runs up to Oliver and Avery. Avery is the daughter of Zayn and Perrie, has has long black hair and green eyes. Oliver has long brown wavy hair with blue and green eyes, she also looks very much like Louis.

Luke walks up to me and gives me a hug. "Hey sis, you okay?" He asked me. "Yeah, I'll be fine" I sniff my nose and wipe my eyes. "Okay guys, don't stand around, we need to get out of here!" Louis piped up.

Niall grabbed our bags and handed them to the flight conducter. I was a bit concerned about Cadence, last time she went on a plane was when she was almost a year old and she wouldn't remember that, that was the time we went to visit Niall in Queensland down where I original came from, Australia.

We get on the plane and sit next to Niall, I knew Cadence would throw a tanty if she didn't sit with Niall, not just because of that, I also love him.

"Mummy, what does plane rides do?" She asked me. Niall looked at me and nodded his head, meaning he was saying, I've got away of say this. "Planes are like unicorns, they fly up in the air and take you to places" explained Niall.

Cadence squelled. "I'm on a unicorn" she smiled really big and started clapping her hands. Niall looked at me and winked, I laughed queitly and looked out the window and saw the tops of double deck buses underneath us.

I look down more and see our house in flames! The pit of my stomach felt sick, I wanted to vomit, but I couldn't because it wasn't coming up, I thought my stomach was gonna fall out of my butt, I was so pissed and depressed, I didn't know what to do, so I screamed to the top of my lungs.

I crawled up into a ball, rested my head against the window and covered my ears. I began to cry, when I screamed Niall got a fright and covered my mouth. "Whats wrong babe?" He asked wrapping his arm around me. "The house was on fire, the house was on fire Niall!" My cries got louder and louder.

"Whos house?" He asked me as he rubbed my cheek with his hand. "Ours" I say queitly. I look at Niall and his face drops, he tried to hold back those tears so Cadence didn't freak out, she was already stressed from the flight.

Niall kicked the chair in front of him, a seat Harry was sitting in. "Wow, buddy calm the heck down" glanced Harry. Cadence crawled out of her chair and sat on my lap.

She snuggled up under my arm. "Plane rides aren't scary" she whispered as she drifted to sleep. I smiled and stroked her hair, after she drifted to sleep, I eventually did.

I woke up and I had no idea where we were. "Where are we?" I ask Niall. "We're at Las Angelas" he winked and smirked. "Las Angelas?!" I got excited, I've always wanted to go to Las Angelas and meet all the celebrities over there.

"Thats right baby" he said giving me a kiss on the head.

"Please put your seatbelts on, we're landing, Welcome to Las Angelas" said a women over the microphone, Cadence thought it was Barbie, I couldn't blame her, she did sound like Barbie.

We are about to land on ground and Cadence begins to cry. "Shhh, Cadence as long as you've got your seltbelt on your gonna be okay" I said buckle the seatbeag around her small waste.

Niall came and sat next to Cadence and I. "Daddy, I'm scared" she wines and grabbed his arm. "Here, listen to some music on my phone" Niall got his phone and earplugs out of his pocket and handed it to Cadence.

Your probably thinking, seven year olds playing on their parents IPhones is stupid, but Cadence doesn't have her own and she won't get one until she turns fourteen or sixteen, she knew how to use the phone.

She gets the earplugs and puts them in her ears, she sits deep in her seat and holds on Niall's arm really tightly. "We're landing" said Niall as he looked out the window and saw the plane on the run way.

We've now landing and the plane has come to a holt. "See plane rides aren't that scary" I said unbuckling Cadence from her seat. "No, they aren't that scary" she said wiping her eyes.

We get off the plane and there where screaming girls everywhere, some how they knew the boys where coming. "Why are they screaming?" Asked Cadence. "They're screaming because your dad is around with boys, they 'r called fans" I said holding her on my hip.

"They sound like monsters" she said covering her ears. I laugh a little. "Their not monsters, I used to be one of those fans, I use to scream to the top of my lungs when ever I saw the boys and I would scream louder if I saw your dad" I explained to her.

She looked at the fans and gave them a small wave, they began to scream louder and she got really scared. "They hate me mummy" she said covering her ears again. "No they don't, they're just excited to see you" I looked at the fans and gave them a small wave as well.

They once again screamed louder, Cadence stared to wine. "It's okay Cadence, the fans are our family" I explained to her. "Some fans you might come across that are bad, but you just ignore them" I exclaimed to her.

Her eyes widen. "What do you mean bad?" She asked me. "They're really mean and they hate you, me and all the girls because we're marraide to them, but thats just jelousy" I smiled at Cadence and she nodes her head.

"Are they bad fans?" She pointed at them and they waved at her. "No, they're good" I grabbed my bags and walked them over to the car.

Thank god our cars where shipped over here, other wise we would have to rent one. It was heading onto nine o'clock at night and there fans have been waiting for us for hours. "I want to say goodbye to the fans" said Cadence. "I know, so do I, but we can't we have to go" said Niall putting Cadence in the backseat as we drove off.

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