{18} It's A Girl!

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Eight Months Later



It's been eight months now and the baby is due next month, which is September. Today at two, I'm go to the hospital to get an ultrasound and find out the gender of our baby. "I honestly, can't wait til it's born" Says Perrie. I chuckle and Niall looks at me, he wasn't very keen on me giving birth. "Niall, I'll be fine" I said as I give him a hug, he smiles and looks at me. "Okay" he says queitly.

Two o'clock comes around and I go to the hospital with the girls and Gemma.

"Here's you ultrasound" says the doctor, she hands it to Niall and he thanks the doctor. "Okay, let's see what gender the baby is" says the doctor, she smiled. Niall looked at the t.v and saw the baby inside my belly, he smiled and looked at me.

"stay strong my love" he kisses my hand. The doctor chuckles and looks at me and Niall. "What gender do you guys want?" She asks. "Any" Niall said. "Well, you've got a girl" she says.

Niall jumps up and fist pumps the air and I smile. "Yeah" he says as he kisses me and my stomach. "Oh my god a girl" I give Niall a hug and wipe my tear away. Gemma and Grace scream and jump around like crazy fans.

Niall helped me get up and walk out of the hospital room, the weight was so unbearable, my feet were swallon and it felt like i was going to fall over, i was the size of a watermelon.

"Okay mrs watermelon, let's get you home" Grace joked and i just laughed, slowly getting in the car.

Jason drove us here in a van and Gemma sat in the back with Perrie and Ella, Niall and I sat in the back behind the front seats, resting my head on his shoulder. "A girl" he whispered, rubbing my thigh.

I smiled and hummed. "Yeah, a little girl" i grabbed his hand and kissed his cheek. "Niall" i said his name.

"Yeah babe?"."will you be here when she's born?" I asked curiously. "Of course i will babe, why wouldn't i be?" He asked.

"Just worried, that's all" i sighed. "Don't worry, i'll always be here" he kissed my head and wrapped his arms around me.

Niall and I got home and I dumped myseld on the couch. "Ugh, i can't walk anymore, i honestly can't wait til i this little infant is out of me" i groaned.

"Do you want anything to eat?" Niall asked, opening the fridge. "Can i please have noodles and a bottle of apple juice?" I called out. "Coming up" Niall called back.

Niall walked into the living room, holding my chicken wrap and a bottle of apple juice. "Here babe" he passed them to me. I drank the whole bottle and ate the whole wrap, i was etremely hungry.

"Geez, you ate that down quickly" he laughed. "Yeah, the baby was craving it" i burped, laughing my ass off including Niall's.

I looked at Niall and grabbed his hand. "Feel her, she wants to talk to you" i smiled. Niall put his hands on my belly and talked to our baby. "Hey there my little nugget, it's daddy".

"Little nugget? Really?" I chuckled. "Sshh, I'm concontrating" he chuckled back. "And i'm going to take care of you and mummy" he jumped back and yelped like a dog.

"What?" I frowned. "She kicked!" He exclaims. I put my hand on my belly and felt a small stamp on the palm of my hand and i smiled big. "She does kick!" I squelled.

"She's gonna end up like her daddy" Niall winked. "Probably" i leaned over and kissed him.

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