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He packed his things, setting everything he had brought here when he first came in. Sighing as he organize it properly, Seokjin wept the tears that slip from the corner of his eye with a sniffle. His nose had a soft tint of pink, cheeks wet with trails of fresh tears streaming down. Closing his eyes, Seokjin took a greedy amount of air before heaving a deep sigh. He decided to act normal, as it this unbelievable action of Jungkook didn't effect him even one a bit. Deep down in the door of his heart, he knew much it actually stab him right in the middle. He was a toy after all, the easy and naive male who can easily be used. Now he's bored, it turns like this. Fired. Kicked out. Simple isnt? Benefit of being a multimillionaire with an annoyingly good looking face.

"He really did use me," Seokjin muttered as he zipped out the zipper of his suitcase, not to mention punching it as it stuck in the middle caused by the load amount of clothes. Well, he did thought it did be more that years. But things lasted for 2months. 1and half of service around the house, another half being his slave of desire and lust. He picked the stuffed black suitcase  down the stairs, his sight caught a half middle aged man standing with his hands placed on his back - full of manners.

He really did prepare to kick me out.

Secretly rolling his eyes, Seokjin panted when he reached the 1st floor, cursing himself for taking a bunch of clothes in this sinned house. The older man looked up, giving him a polite half bow before he move forward and grab the holder of bus suitcase. "I can carry it, s'okay" Seokjin said with a gentle voice and small smile on his beautiful features.
"It's young master's order, I'm sorry Mr. Kim" Seokjin sighed before giving up, handing the suitcase to the butler before he trail behind. He take a look around the house for awhile, wanting to remember every corner of it. His eyes unknowingly lingered on the room, the one with black door. Memories played at the back of his mind, the way Jungkook touched him, how hoarse his voice sounding like. A pink hue creeped up to his face - he shake his head wanting to erase the thought away.

Settling himself on the passenger seat, Seokjin closed his eyes, leaning against the leather seat comfortably, his breathes sounding calm, but his heart was frantic. His hand curled into a tight ball, anger submerging slowly. If only Jungkook was there at the moment, he would have punched him square on his face. But again, it wasn't all the younger's fault, he gave in easily, possessed easily. Jungkook was a devil, sadly he notice it a little bit too late.

"Where's Mr. Jeon, sir?" The other chuckled at the the call, he glanced at Seokjin who's slightly confused.
"Young master was out for a meeting with his client, Mr. Kim. He'll be back in a few." Seokjin scoffed lightly, what's the point of it? Not like he could see him anymore.

"Not like I can see him again," he muttered under his breath, loud enough for the man to hear it. Half way through the journey, Seokjin could feel his eyes fluttering close, but he can't sleep. He wanted to rest his mind and tired body, he just can't. So he decided to just look out from the window, admiring the sight of green nature and small birds flying freely up in the sky. The fancy looking houses caused him to awe silently, that's when his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Fancy house? Jimin did live in a double storey terrace, of course it's fancy...but it's nothing compared to this.

"Sir, I guess this is the wrong way. I never came here ...before?" The man laughed, peering to Seokjin over the seat with a grin. Something inside Seokjin stirred.

"I'm commanded to bring you here," Seokjin titled his head to side, his left eyebrow was lifted in a questioning manner. He remains silent, no words uttered. Was it Jungkook? He was fired. Why is he suddenly brought to the neighbourhood where he need to probably pay by just looking at it.

The car came into a halt as it parked in the basement. He hope off the car before the man could actually open the door for him. He once again tail behind the male, his eyes never leave him ; watching his every move.


The elevator dinged once they reached the 10th floor. The top floor? Heck.
Seokjin nervously fiddled with his fingers.

He gonna throw me from the top floor? Fuck fuck fuck fuck.

The man entered the password before pushing the door open, stepping aside for Seokjin to enter. A penthouse?! Seokjin whipped his head towards the male. "Whose house is this?" He asked with his tone wavering.

"Young master's. If I'm not wrong, he bought it  last week." Seokjin blinked, hard. He gaped at the new information, trying to process it.

"Why am it here?" The mane shrugged before stepping out from the door.

"It was an order, I just followed." Before closing the door, he peeked over to the still stunned Seokjin.

"Oh, young master ordered you, to wait until he's back" that's all before he close the door, leaving Seokjin standing in the living room.

Confirmed, he gonna dump me down the top floor.

;);););) hehehe so, idk what is this. I just write this so...excuse my

Sorry that I republish

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