twenty - two

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the grip in his wrist remain gentle as those red rimmed eyes stared up to his guilt covered face. jungkook wanted to spoke up, tell him to let go but those words caught up in his throat when seokjin flash him those puppy eyes and pleaded once again. "please....." the tone was pitiful, low and breaking. just like seokjin's heart.

jungkook nodded, sitting at the edge of the bed, chuckling a bit when seokjin followed his every movement. his fingers combed the damp hair, smile curving up on his face when the other male leaned to the soft touch with his closed eyes.
"I'm going to change first, I'll come back,," Jungkook said before standing up and left the room, not looking back to that one soul who never have his eyes leaving the male.

seokjin turn his body,back facing the door before he snuggle those fluffy pillows. a satisfied sigh escaped his swollen lips at how soft it felt pressing against his skin. the door creaked open and seokjin immediately press his eyes close, not wanting to look at the male, afraid that he might hear the sound of his frantically beating heart. seokjin was Inlove, but now he's wishing that love was beautiful as the love itself. but it wasn't, love was toxic, it kills you slowly and left you drained with shattered heart.

he can feel it. those warm fingers running up and down his side, caressing his hips tenderly. the action was meaningless - atleast that's what seokjin
thought but those simple warmth stung his eyes. he could feel tears threatening to fall from the corner of his eyes and he need to stop those. a drop of tear will lead towards a full breakdown because right now, the male laid on the bed; gripping on the bedsheet as if his life depends on it was fragile. one wrong move and his thin wall will crumble down helplessly.

"I'm sorry....i don't expect falling, you shouldn't be falling. It's a mistake, everything. but, I'm ready to let go...."

and the wall crumbled up beneath his feet... a  choked up sobs echoed in the room

it's not that much...I'm sorry guys :) I'll try my best!

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