twenty three

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the sobs continue to echo, Seokjin continue to curl his body into a small ball, sinking deeper into the sheet with tears falling down his red flushed face. this isn't it, he shouldn't cry. but his heart, felt heavy. as if stones were weighing then down. his eyes just feel the need to produce liquid, his heart, don't start with it. it was shattering, breaking into tiny pieces. turning the sharp edges into a white pearly dust.

"W-why? Why did you hurt me like this?" Seokjin whispered inbetween his sob, his chest lips trembled as another wave of regrets hit him. he regretted his decision of letting Jungkook to use him in anyway he wanted, he regret that...he was the only one who fall.

"I can't love you, the same way you did to me, Jin" Seokjin inhaled a deep breath before he wipe those tears cascading down his cheeks and sit up, looking at Jungkook with his burning gaze, red rimmed eyes and flushed face. his lips were swollen at the numerous amount of bite he gave them, it made him looks sinful. a hot and beautiful mess. it's selfish for Jungkook to think this way when he made the man Infront of his crumbled down. he just couldn't help himself.

"then, you shouldn't kiss me with passion. you shouldn't held me against your chest as if you're afraid of letting go. You shouldn't look at me with those twinkling pair of eyes as if I'm your world!" Seokjin yelled, his voice was breaking at this point. his breathes was shuddering. more hot streams of tears falling down from his eyes, wetting his cheeks with salty substances. Jungkook flinched back at the sudden loud voice booming in the room, he felt guilty for doing so. but Seokjin shouldn't know it.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Seokjin. Please don't be this way. " an empty laugh emitted from the said male, he sniffles inbetween those, anyone could tell how broken the male is right now.

"You see that vase, Jungkook? Throw them on the ground" the other male was confused, he darted his eyes that were now focused on the glass vase with white lilies inside. With hesitation, he three them on the ground and let it shatter, the sound was painful, and Seokjin almost laugh again because that was his heart condition right now.

"It breaks right? Now say sorry," Jungkook's brows were knitted, his head titled abit to the side..

"urm...I'm sorry" Jungkook turn his head towards Seokjin who never broke the burning and sharp gaze he gave him earlier.

"Is back to its original form after your sorry?" he asked, his eyes narrowed. for the first time, Jungkook was scared to look up. He was afraid to see those used to be doe and glistening pair of eyes who look at him with admiration and adoration now gone, replaced with loath.

" doesn't."

"That's how my heart is jungkook, your sorry didn't change anything"


this chapter kinda...not the best but, I tried.

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