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Seokjin stared up to Jungkook with a flustered gaze, hissing as Jungkook dug his nails into the skin of his hips.
Biting his lips in pain, he gasped out upon feeling the friction when Jungkook rolled their hips together, groaning heavily. The pleasure of it sending through their adrenaline, forgetting about the whole revenge thing he once set in his mind. Right now it's just Jungkook and his desire.

His head titled to the side, giving Jungkook a fill access to his neck. The sensation of the male's soft lips pressing open mouthed kisses around his neck got him panting for air. A low whimper left his parted lips as Jungkook nipped on the skin, leaving his marks at the side before slowly licking his adam apple sensually. "J-jungkook," he could feel the smirk carving on the other's lips as he choked on  his own spit.

Sneaking his hands down to Seokjin's cheeks, kneeding it with his palm. The action initiated another shaky breathes from the blonde. Dragging his lips to Seokjin's cheeks bones, he stuck out his tongue to give a kittenish lick rippling a shivers to the male. His tongue make its way to the inviting plump lips, looking ever to enticing. Gulping down the lump forming in his throat, he picked Seokjin up, letting him to wrap his arms around his neck meanwhile his legs on his hips.

Crashing their lips together, he sucked on Seokjin's bottom lips, swallowing every moans the other spat. Walking mindlessly into the kitchen, he tugged on the soft blonde hair, bringing his face up to deepen the kiss. His tongue poked in, tangling their tongues together. A hiss left Seokjin once again when his back hit the cold counter of the kitchen. Cracking his eyes open to meet with Jungkook's pleasured face, he knew what's coming. The excitement and fear blending in, Jungkook wasn't the type to slow down nor do pity his victim. He do what he want, as long as he's pleased, who cares if he rip you apart.

Settling Seokjin back on his feet, he bite on the swollen bottom lips, followed by a string of saliva connecting their lips when he pulled away. "Strip and bend over this counter," his legs became wobbly just at the thought, mouth suddenly started to dry. His shaky fingers unbuttoned his jeans, pulling it down. Glancing at Jungkook who seems to be busy scanning over something in the freezer, Seokjin once again had his heart thumping frantically. Just what was his plan. Sliding his tight boxer off, he blushed at the sight of his own erected cock. Biting his lips in embarrassment, he turns around and toss the shirt he manage to pull off  before sending over the counter. His grip on it was strong, sweats could sensed running down his back. Seokjin clenched his eyes shut as a presence of the other was nearing.

There was something circling around his rim,something that was cold making it hard for him to control the hiss from escaping.  Throwing his head back, he grinded against the unknown  object, pushing it in deeper. A husky laugh from Jungkook was a mock, Seokjin knew it well but right now wasn't the time for him to give a damn. The ice cold stick started to melt by the tight heat, trickling down his thighs. The liquid leaving a sticky trail and Seokjin cringed, scrunching his face in displeasure. He hissed at the coldness of another popsicle coming through, not helping with Jungkook pushing the tip in and and out, not even halfway. His lips started to quiver, mumbling some gibberish against the tiled counter top.

"Look at how.....messy you're. A messy slut," groaning lowly as Jungkook ran his fingertips along the fluttering rim, he gasped when the male slapped his cheek, letting it to bounce. He was embarrassed, too exposed. It was painfully humiliating but Seokjin loved it. He love the excitement building up, tension that seeming to be higher by the time. Anticipation kept on rising, he couldn't wait for the next move of Jungkook. Jungkook was full of surprises after all, you can't expect his action.

The latter dropped on his knees - to the same level as Seokjin's clenching entrance. Eyeing it with his predatory look he leaned in, blowing a cold air only to laugh as it fluttered. "Excited aren't you? Says the one who said....he won't budge hm?" Biting the reddish mark on Seokjin's bum, he teasingly dragged his lips down to the glistening rim from the popsicle. Licking a stripe upwards, he watched the male squirming in pleasure.

Jungkook hummed at the fruity taste the popsicle just left, eyes glimmered with desire for the male. "Sweet,sweet baby~" he chuckled before wiggling his tongue in the tight entrance. Collecting the rest of liquid he let to melt inside, Jungkook growled in pleasure and satisfaction. His veiny hands gripped on Seokjin's toned thighs to help him to push in deeper.

"ngh~ M-master..." Gripping on the counter, his eyes rolled up, groaning on in awhile at the warmness of Jungkook's wet muscle. Seokjin hummed, enjoying this kind of new experience that he surprisingly wouldn't mind going further in. It wasn't that bad, it swung to the guilty pleasure side.

His cock is aching, some sort of warmth piling up in his stomach. The way his body trembled was enough to tell you that he might not held back the upcoming organism. "J-jungkook, deeper" another slap to his thigh was given, it jingle after those harsh slap. It was a sight that Jungkook will never get tired of.

"You don't demand me," Seokjin's eyes started to water, lips once again quivered under  his teeth. The pain in between his legs got the best of him. Throwing his head back when Jungkook thrusted in again, a glow of gratefulness for the action sparked. He mumbled out another word of appreciation to Jungkook. Forgetting his previous intention of denial, Seokjin grind backwards, wanting more of those. "P-please ~" he mewl earning a husky laugh from Jungkook.

With his legs almost giving up, Seokjin burried his face on the cold surface - screaming Jungkook's name as he came all over the floor; painting the cabinets and his own body with some white sticky substance. He panted, catching his breath that he nearly lost earlier.

Jungkook cupped Seokjin's jaw in his hand as he turn the naked male to face him. Staring deep into the teary eyes, he let a smirk to curve on his lips.

"It's a good service, might as well check your bank account tomorrow. I'll transfer your payment." Giving the dumbfounded male a peck on his swollen lips, Jungkook left the kitchen. As soon and Jungkook disappeared from his sight, Seokjin dropped on his knees, eyes seeming to be lost.


Realizing what he have gotten himself into, Seokjin burried his face to his knees, trying to breath properly. He knew the upcoming days waiting for him will be full of breathless night again.


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