Chapter Twenty-Three

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         Umbridge followed me up the stairs, pointing her wand into my back. I felt her wand move to my left shoulder, and I felt that arm moving.

         "Bloody hell," I thought. "Not again!" My left hand balled into a fist, and I saw my hand swing for Umbridge as my body turned around.

         I felt Umbridge's nose crack under my fist. I must have really pissed her off if she was willing to get her nose broken to get me sent to prison.

         That's when the panic set in. What if Dumbledore believed her? What if he expelled me and locked me in Azkaban like he did Sirius? No trial, just straight into the hands of dementors. He's done it before, what's to say he won't do it again?!

         Umbridge shrieked as my fist made contact with her face. I heard shuffling above me. I didn't shake out my hand, which should have been a huge tell that I was under the Imperius Curse.

         Except the only person there was the one who had me under the curse.

         Umbridge dragged me by my collar up the rest of the stairs. Dumbledore already had his door open. He noted my bruised knuckles and She-Devil's bloody nose.

         The buffoon in pink robes didn't even wait for Dumbledore to ask what was going on.

          "I was teaching my class like I do every day," Umbridge started. Her voice was slightly messed up from her nose. "When I hear someone rip a page of their textbook. I search my room for the sound of the noise when I see Gwenyth throwing a paper ball at my face. So I bring her to you, and on the way up the stairs, she breaks my nose!"

         Dumbledore sat down at his desk. "It is interesting Dolores, that you would bring Gwen to me after something as minor as a ball of paper. I believe after Educational Decree Number Twenty Five that you have all authority over all student punishment."

         "All authority is a bit of a stretch Albus," Umbridge said in a voice even higher than her normal one. "I do not have the authority to expell a student."

         "So you are telling me Dolores, that you want to expell Gwenyth because she threw a ball of paper at you?" I just don't see that as enough a reason to expell a student."

         "I want to expell Gwenyth Potter for subjecting two or three people to the Imperius Curse."

        What happened next scared the living daylights out of me. Dumbledore, who was normally calm in every situation, gain a face that was more red than the Weasley's famous hair. He shot up from his seat, and he balled his hands into fists. And what happened next scared me even more.

         "If you should expell Gwenyth for this reason," Dumbledore yelled. "Than you should be sent straight to Azkaban! You have clearly subjected Gwenyth to the Imperius Curse! Otherwise, she would not have been staring with a blank face this whole time! Remove the curse now Dolores!"

         Umbridge's face turned white. "I do not know what you are speaking of Albus! Such accusations could get you sacked! In fact, I can make sure of it!"

         I could feel the curse weakening. In Pussy Cat's fit of rage, she was forgetting about me. I was able to move my hand now. If Dumbledore just kept her yelling...

         Dumbledore didn't notice me. He just continued yelling at Umbridge, crushing all my hope within seconds. "Then how do you explain Gwenyth's behavior today?! I've had reports from teachers and students of her blank stares, a sudden supreme knowledge of everything, and sudden rants supporting things everyone knew she didn't believe in!"

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