Chapter Thirty-Four

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          I sat in my bed, panicking. In the vision I had just seen, Hermione was locked in a basement. Voldemort and a couple of his biggest supporters, including Malfoy, stalked down the stairs. She was killed within an instant. Voldemort himself killed my sister. Then he shouted into the air "Your sister has two days!"

          I didn't know if I should trust him. But I couldn't risk anything. I had to warn my sister.

           Luckily, I had apparently been screaming in my sleep. I attracted the guards, who were all starting to hoard my cell. I walked up to the bars, so naturally they all lunged back and drew their wands.

           I held up my hands. "I just need a parchment and a quill with ink."

           "Why should we trust you?!" one of the guards shouted at me. "You are in here for a reason!"

           "Even though I'm in here, I'm innocent. If you don't give me that stuff, an innocent girl's blood will be on your hands!" I was shouting now. "Do you really want that?!"

           One of the guards stunned me. I was slammed into the opposite wall. All of the wind was knocked out of me. While I was focusing on getting air back into my lungs, I didn't even notice the warden walk up.

          "Potter, explain to me what is going on."

         "My sister is in trouble!" I gasped. "She is going to die by the hands of Voldemort in two days! So unless you want her blood on your hands, notify Professor McGonagall immediately!"

          The warden looked at me, conflicted. "Escort her down to the visitor's center first thing in the morning. We will bring Professor McGonagall in." The guards nodded and walked away.

         I was alone again. I fell onto my bed and tried to sleep. I tossed and turned for a few hours before I managed to fall asleep.

         I was awoken early in the morning by a guard of Azkaban. The man told me I was to report to Azkaban to visit Gwenyth Potter. I immediately started getting ready. I brushed out my hair and pulled it into a tight bun. I picked a set of gray robes with the matching hat.

          I rushed out of the school and all the way to Hogsmeade. I then apparated from there to Azkaban Prison. I had to leave my wand at the front gate, as well as go through additional security.

          Once I arrived at the visitors area, I barely recognized the young woman sitting before me. She was nothing but bones. Her face had gotten extremely thin, and her eyes had sunken in deeply. She was starting to get a crazed gaze in her eyes. Her hands were twitching as if she was under the Crutatious Curse.

          "Oh, Gwenyth," I said, unable to say anything else. I felt nothing but guilt about what Azkaban had done to this girl.

          "Professor," she replied. "Why are you not calling me Miss Potter?" The voice was not her's. It was a voice that was decades older. But she was smiling. She got up and wrapped me in a hug. I noticed they had no cuffs on her hands.

          "This is not a good time for formality."

           "I'm so happy to see you Professor," she said. Her expression became serious. "But we don't have much time, and I have a huge problem."

           I sat down across from her. "What is the problem?"

          She sighed, and tears formed in her eyes. "Hermione is going to die in two days."

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