Chapter Thirty-Two

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          Dear piece of parchment I found on the floor,
         Now that I spend most of the day in my animigus form, I am a little more right in the head. I can think clearly again, and I don't think about strangling these dementors every time the pass by.
         And the advantage of being an animigus is the fact that dementors don't suck out your happiness. Animals don't feel emotion. So there is nothing for them to feed off of. They mostly just leave me alone now, which is great.
         Also, don't ask where I found the quill and ink. I may or may not have stolen it from the warden's office.
        I have a tally going on my wall right now. I have been locked up in this cell for a month and five days. They took away our mess hall privileges after a mass breakout about three weeks ago, so I haven't left my cell since then.
         I don't know how much longer I am going to last. I probably will get caught with the map and quill at some point. And I probably will be caught as an animigus, so they will lock me in a cell I can't get out of.
         Well, the warden is making his rounds again, so I have to stop. So goodbye.
         And yes, I realize it is weird I am talking to paper, but I'm kinda lonely in here.

         I stuffed everything under my pillow at the last second. The warden marched up to my cell. He looked inside, as if he was looking for something. Finding nothing, he walked on to the next cell.

          I sighed as I threw the paper and crap into the sink. I hated this place. Everyone who still had a mind hated this place.

         I transformed into my animigus, a husky, and I laid on my bed. It was strange being an animal. Fur replacing the skin, and walking on four instead of two. But I couldn't feel much. The fact that I was a dog was the only way I was able to keep my sanity.

         My mind drifted off to the day I first transformed. I was a dog. It came as a shock to both Sirius and I, since my patronus was a doe. But knowing my dad, a dog wasn't as big of a surprise after I started thinking about it.

         I saw a dementor floating down the hall. I saw a bewitched cart full of food following behind. It was the same slop we get every day. The same meal I ate the first day I got here.

         I had to transform to eat so the warden didn't get suspicious. It was always unbearable when I was transforming. I was hit with this overwhelming feeling of insanity, depression, and helplessness. I choked down my food and kept an eye out for the warden.

         The 36th day gone, I transformed and wrapped myself up in my tattered covers, trying desperately to sleep.

         "Are you ready to go?" Ginny asked me.

         "Yeah, I am," I said. I slipped on my jacket and started with her to Hogsmeade.

         "Hey, when Mum takes you there, can you give this to Gwen for me?" she asked shyly. She handed me a letter.

        "Yeah, I'll get it to her." I walked towards The Three Broomsticks to meet Mum.

         I walked into the warm bar, Rosmerta desperately trying to keep up with her customers. My mum was sitting in the corner with two bottles of butterbeer.

         "Are you ready George?" she asked.

        "Yeah Mum," I said. "As ready as I will ever be."

        Mum grabbed me by the arm and pulled out her wand. We apparated to the prison, a depressing, gray, stronghold.

         She and I went through so much security that I felt like the guards knew way too much about me. The dementors escorted us to the visitor's room, which was basically a cell with a table. Gwen was already sitting on one side.

        It almost killed me to see her. She was thinner than paper. Her skin was extremely pale, and her eyes were sunken in. She didn't have an insane look on her face, but she looked upset.

         "Hey George, Mrs. Wealsey," she said. There was a new tone in her voice. An older, more exhausted tone.

         My mother slipped her a biscuit. She ate it slowly.

         "I'll be outside George," she said.

         As soon as she left, Gwen stood up. Her hands and ankles were cuffed, and there were chains connecting the two sets.

         Gwen spoke first. "I've missed you so much."

         "Yeah, me too," I said. I wrapped her in a hug. She stiffened, but then relaxed and rested her head on my shoulder.

          "George, please. Get me out of here."

           "I'm trying Gwen. Believe me, I'm trying."

          She looked up at me, desperate. "I am going to go insane in here George. I am going to lose my mind."

          "Hey, look at me." I turned her head towards mine. "I will do anything to get you out of here. I will take your place if I have to."

         "Don't talk like that George. Please. It's bad enough that I'm in here."

         "Ginny told me to give this to you." I handed her the letter. She took it and put it in her pocket.

          The dementors started approaching our room, probably trying to shoo me out.

         "You should go George," she said. "The dementors aren't big fans of long visits. They actually don't like visits at all."

         "Okay. Gwen, I will get you out of here. I promise." I kissed her.

         She kissed me back. The dementors approached us, probably wanting our emotions for themselves.

         "I have to go. I love you."

         "I love you too," she said. She walked back to the dementors, hunched over, clearly trying to pretend they weren't there.

         My mum and I left the prison once we got back through security. We apparated back to Hogsmeade, and I went to find my brother.
          I don't even know what to say. We all miss you. We are working our arses off trying to get you out. Hermione, Emily, and I are working on your testimony. George, Ron, and Harry are working with my dad to try and get you a proper trial.
          But it has been hard. Umbridge is on everyone's back. She is watching us more closely than ever. We have started using George's dorm room to work.
          Even though we are working on this, Hermione and Ron have found time to get together. Who would have thought, my brother got a date before I could. Actually, three of my brothers got dates before I could. And they are all the really annoying ones.
           I'm really sorry Gwen. I'm probably not helping matters. We will get you out of there. I promise you that much.

         I promise. We promise. Promise. The word kept ringing through my mind. I hope they kept their promises. I slid the note under my pillow and curled up on my bed. I fell asleep shortly after, the word promise still ringing through my mind.

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