Chapter Thirty-Five

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          I came to in a cellar. It was dark and cold, with moisture on the stone. My head was throbbing, and when I reached back, I felt a huge bump.

          And suddenly, it all came flooding back to me. Sleeping peacefully in my bed. Someone shaking me awake. My entire body being stiff as a board. Being carried out of the castle, helpless. Looking up to see a Death Eater mask. Apparating somewhere. Someone pointing a wand in my face and knocking me out.

            There were some kind of invisible restraints on my arms. My uniform was ripped, and my legs were scraped. I couldn't stand on my left leg. They probably threw me down the basement stairs.

          I collapsed with fear in the corner. I was just now taking in what was going to happen. I was going to die. They couldn't get to either of the Potters, so they came to get me instead.

          I curled up and tried to be invisible. I figured if I hid in shadows somewhere, I would be able to buy some time. I dragged my useless leg to a dark corner and curled up again.

          I noticed I still had my wand on me, so I attempted to heal my leg. My attempts were interrupted when Lucius Malfoy came walking down the stairs.

          He looked around for a moment, obviously trying to find me. His face lit up with success and walked straight towards me.

         "Well well well, what do we have here? It seems we have a filthy mudblood in my basement. It's a shame this house has to hold such dishonorable creatures, but the Dark Lord wants what the Dark Lord wants."

         I was filled with more fear than rage at the moment. I didn't dare say anything.

          "Lord Voldemort will be visiting you tomorrow. We shall see what use you are to us. If you are none, you will die." He walked up the stairs and locked the door behind him.

          I tried to heal my leg again, in case I had the chance to run. After about an hour, I threw down my wand in frustration. The spells I had learned only healed cuts and scrapes. It would do nothing for my leg.

          I tried to start pacing, but my leg held no weight. Instead I transfigured a chair into a couple crutches. I worked on moving with them. In case I had the chance to run, I had to be able to move as fast as I could.

           After about my 30th lap, I sat down, exhausted. I started praying that I would be found before tomorrow.

          I was meeting with all the professors in the school. Except for Umbridge. We met in my old house, where I would stay during the summer.

          Everyone was gathered around a table in the main room. There were plans, parchments, quills, and books scattered around.

          "As you all have heard," I said. "Hermione Granger has been captured by You-Know-Who. If Miss Potter is correct, we only have one day to find her before he kills her."

          "Minerva," Severus asked. "What exactly are we looking for?"

          "You-Know-Who's strongholds, prisons, and meeting places. Anywhere he would be keeping Miss Granger."

          We all worked for hours, trying to find places where she would be held. Every now and then, someone would disappear to a location, but they would always come back empty handed.

          "Wait, I think I have something," Sprout shouted. "Why not keep her in your right hand man's basement? It's easily accessible, it's your main base, and it's a torture house."

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