2 years earlier

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Tails sat on the couch doing what he usually did. Math. He was good at math but never really took a liking to the subject. He loved Science way more. He continued doing his homework watching the crackling of the fire in the fireplace. The flames dancing over the logs in a harmonic  song. He had always loved winter. The fluffy snow that would sparkle on the ground like crystals. It was the best time of year. The tree in the corner of the room shone it's brilliant colors across the home. This season was the one Tails loved most. Everyone gathered around the tree and exchanged thoughtful gifts. Friends came over. They laughed, they sang, they played. Tails could barely hold his excitement in. Sonic and Amy were coming over this weekend for the holidays. Tails had thought up a perfect gift for them both. He had spent the little savings he had left and bought Sonic Some new shoes. Tails might of added his own creation to it though and added the hedgehog's infamous symbol on the side. Amy he had bought a makeup kit. That's all she ever wanted. Tails finished up his homework and set it aside. He went over to the window to look at the fresh falling snow. It looked so soft and stood out in the night sky. Tails's parents had gone out to buy the Christmas dinner for this weekend. He loved the meals together. Everyone brought up good memories and laughed. The bad memories, they all nodded knowing they had come thus far. Tails looked at his watch. They should have been here any minute now. Tails was fifteen years old and he couldn't wait till he hit sixteen. Sonic was already sixteen and had a job and his own apartment already. Same with Amy. Tails couldn't wait to get a job and start living on his own. He would eventually get a apprenticeship with a mechanical degree or maybe he would become a pilot. Tails was happy at least to have his license though. It was expensive, but at least he could drive himself to school and have a little freedom.  He watched headlights pull up. He got down from the window and ran to the door. Waiting for his parents to knock on the door letting him know that they needed help with groceries. Tails slipped on his boots and coat. He waited for the knock. It was a little different than usual. His dad's knock was kinda rough but caring and his mom's was soft and kind. He opened the door. Puzzled at the person standing there in a blue uniform and cap. "Are you Miles Tails Prower?" The officer asked with a grim look on his face. "Uh....yah." Tails said nervously. "Come with me there has been an accident." Tails eyes got huge." He closed the door and walked through the fluffy innocent snow. It's white crystaly outlook making it look like a dream. The cop directed him to sit in the back seat. So many things went through the fox's mind. "Oh god what happened to them? I hope they are okay? Does that mean the car is totaled? What will we drive now? The Christmas dinner? Will we still have it?" Tails's head began to hurt. He got in the vehicle and the officer pushed on the gas pedal, shooting them forward quickly. The sirens went off. Tails never felt comfortable around the police. He always thought they would arrest him or take him away from his parents if he had done something wrong. Tails watched as the neighborhood went by in a flurry. Tails noticed many more lights down the road. The whole road had been blocked off. The police car stopped and the man got out. He opened up the backseat and shut it after the two tails were out. Tails slowly walked towards the car that was smashed against the tree. The car his parents drove. He began crying. He continued to walk over but felt a hand upon his shoulder. A woman pulled him around slowly. A doctor. "Listen closely okay sweetie. Your parents are still alive but I need you to be very careful when talking to them because we can't get them out of the car." Tails nodded. The woman turned around and began speaking with the cop.

"It doesn't look good. The shrapnel from the vehicle punctured both of their abdomens. They shouldn't be alive but by some miracle they are. We can't pull the car away from the tree without their bodies shutting down from loss of blood. I'm afraid to say it but there is nothing we can do but wait till they pass." She looks at Tails walking to the vehicle. "At least they can't feel any pain. There nerves had been completely cut so they can't feel anything."

Tails walked slowly up to the car. It's sides jutting out from the impact. The roads were bad this time of year. Always. Tails had always saw people who died, on the news, from these kind of crashes. He never thought it could happen to them. Tails walked over to the driver side door and looked in his parents heads against the seat. "Dad? Mom?" They both opened their eyes. There faces painted with smiles. "How is my little boy doing." Tails's dad said smiling. His mother smiled. "He isn't really that little anymore." She said. Tails stared at both his parents. "When will they be able to get you out of here?" Tails's dad moved his one free hand and brushed it along the side of his face. "Not anytime soon. Me and your mom are going to have to leave for a while. Okay?" His father had some tears streaming down his face. His father rarely cried so it took Tails by suprise. Tails glanced over at his mom who had more tears then his dad streaming down her face. "Go see your mother for a little bit." He put his hand back inside. Tails ran over to the other side. "Hey Mom." Tails said with a few tears streaming down his face. She brushed them away with her free hand. "Oh baby, I love you so much." She looked into her kids eyes. Eyes that would change the world. Eyes that showed so much care and love. She reached with her free hand for a hug. Tails gently leaned into the vehicle giving his mom a hug. She sobbed a bit and looked at her baby. Her tears soaking the fox's fur. Her baby who had grown to be such a good Fox. She slowly put her head back onto the seat. Her eyes beginning to close. She grabbed his father's hand who was looking into his wife's eyes knowing the time had come. "I'm right behind you sweety." He said smiling. She smiled back. "I love you so much my love." She looked back at Tails. "Remember me Tails, I'll always be nearby.....I love you." She slowly put her head back onto the seat, eyes closed and layed their lifeless. Tails wasn't sure what had just happened but he reached down into his mom's ear. "I love you too." A slight smile formed.... and stayed that way upon her face. As it would stay till she was set inside that coffin and into the ground. Tails ran to the other side of the vehicle to his father. "Tails it's time for me to follow your mother." He reached over with his hand. Tails gave him a hug as well. Tears streaming down both their faces. "I'm going to be with your mother wherever she goes so don't forget me either okay? I'll always be with you and Mom forever." He smiled at the two tailed fox. "You will change the world my son....in more ways then you know." He followed after Tails's mom. "I love you Dad." His dad's face formed a smile. He rested his head on the seat. Just the same lifeless manner as his mother. Tails looked at his two parents. Their other hands glued together in what was a  happy marriage and life. Tails cried. He understood what had just happened. His parents had been taken from him. Taken from him for good.

The funeral had been a week later. Roses of memories spread across the one huge black wooden box. They would have gotten two coffins. One for each of the foxes but their hands had been so glued together no one could have separated them. Tails watched as his life was set into the ground. A black box of love, compassion, and memories. He walked over. Two roses in his hand. His parents loved roses. They were their favorite flowers. He set them onto the box six feet below him. He picked up a handful of dirt. "Nothing will separate us." He threw the dirt on to the box. The box of his life. The dirt and flowers being his goodbyes. He walked away weeping towards the afternoon mildew.

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