Another Day

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*beep* *beep* *beep* Tails throws his hand onto to the alarm clock, shutting it off. He couldn't wait till this weekend. His birthday. Officially sixteen! He moaned and stretched. He looked at the light coming in through the window. He had graduated early from highschool, he just wanted it done and over with. He passed all his classes and moved on. He didn't end up going to college. He was too young anyway. He had been staying at Sonic's house this week. He loved it when he got to stay the week with Sonic. It was so much fun. Plus Tails had thought he had started to have feelings for the hedgehog. He would never tell a soul though, it could ruin everything. Next week he was stuck with Amy usually. He hated that. At least he was going to be able to make his own decisions. Ever since his parents died he was stuck between the two homes. His parents gave the two hedgehogs custody of him and it's been hell ever since. He was going to be sixteen soon though! He could get a job! Get his own place! Sonic and Amy had bought the fox a car. It was probably the best gift Tails had ever received. Tails got up out of the bed and went towards his drawers. Sonic wouldn't be up for another hour before he left for work. Tails mostly cleaned the house and cooked for Sonic. He would also read a book or two. Tails grabbed some clothes and got in the shower. His teachers always told him that he should further his education. "Don't waste you talent, Don't throw your life away." Tails rolled his eyes and turned the warm water on. He slowly took his clothes off and jumped in. The hot water hit his fur in a burst of pleasure and comfort. He began scrubbing. Life was hectic right now. He thought of all the things happening. Amy and Sonic always fought over who had more "parental rights" over Tails.
Also he had been bullied in school for his two namesakes. He had kept from everyone that he was gay and on top of it, Oh, and he had a crush on his best friend. Nice. There were more things going on but he was not going to let those bring him down. He shook his face to clear his head. "New day, Fresh start." He turned the water off and grabbed the towel hanging over the curtain rod. He began drying off. He got out and wrapped the towel around his waist. He walked out of the bathroom. The house always smelled like Tails's two favorite smells. Mint and Eucalyptus. Tails took a deep breath. He had a lot on his mind. Plus he was meeting Cream today. Everyone thought Tails was staight and he wanted people to think that. Him and cream were only friends but it seemed to most people that they were more than that. It really pissed Tails off because him and Cream were only friends. Period. Though Tails started to worry that maybe she did like him more than that. He always tried avoiding that kind of conversation though. Tails went over to the cupboard and got out some bagels. Sonic loved bagels for breakfast. Tails put them in the toaster and grabbed the cream cheese out of the fridge. He heard the moan of the hedghog getting out of bed. Tails smiled. He heard him yawn and make his way to the bathroom. This was how the mornings always went, and Tails didn't mind that. Sonic made his way to the bar and looked over at the fox with a smile. "What's for breakfast?" Tails turned around finishing spreading the cream cheese. "I thought I would give you a light breakfast today." Tails said laughing. "Don't worry dinner will be better." The Hedgehog smiled. "And what's for dinner?" Sonic asked with a smile and eyebrow raised. Tails smiled. "A suprise that's what." Tails leaned against the counter and watched as the Hedgehog ate. "Aren't you going to eat something?" Sonic said in between bites. Tails looked to the side at the fruit basket. He grabbed an apple and took a bite. "Sure." He said smirking. Sonic shook his head and continued to finish his bagels. Tails listened to the birds chirping their harmonic tune just outside the kitchen window. Tails looked at the clock. Sonic had to leave for work. Tails hated this part of the day. Sonic noticed the foxs glance and sad frown. Sonic got up and set his plate in the sink. He looked at Tails. "I'll be back later, okay?" Tails nodded. Sonic got a sudden erge to do something. Sonic kissed the fox on the cheek. "Can't wait to see you later." Sonic went over to the door and opened it. "What was that for!?" He thought to himself before shutting the door behind him. Tails held his hand right were Sonic kissed him. He blushed uncontrollably. Sonic never kissed him before. Why now? Tails smiled. Today was going to be a good day. Tails turned the faucet on and washed Sonic's plate. After he finished he looked out the window as the breeze ruffled the trees. Leaves fell to the ground in a burst of colors. Tails sighed. He loved this time of year. The fox moved from the kitchen to the living room. He began dusting the place but stopped when he noticed something new sticking out. He looked up on the wall at the new picture that hung there. It was a picture of him and Sonic taking a selfie at the park. Tails didn't think Sonic would put a picture like that up. Tails couldn't believe he hadn't noticed it before. Tails smiled uncontrollably. He loved this home and he loved Sonic. More than the Hedgehog would ever know or at least that was what Tails hoped. He knew the Hedgehog didn't feel the same but as long as Tails didn't say a thing their friendship was good. Tails sat down and pulled a book from the side. "ah, where was I......" He began flipping through the pages. "Ah there we go." Tails sat back and took himself into his own little fantasy.

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