The Suprise Kiss

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(Hope you all love the chapter! Sorry it's been a while! XD)

Sonic walked into the kitchen and sat at the table. He listened as the fox began to get into the shower. "What am I doing?" He said thinking of what they had just done. He knew deep down he had feelings for Tails. How far did these feelings go? He didn't really know or better yet understand. Sonic fidgeted with his fingers thinking. "Should I express to Tails that I may have feelings for him?" Sonic didn't have a clue what to do. The poor fox had been depressed ever since his parents died and Sonic didn't know if Tails could handle any possible news of his "caretaker" and brother having a slight yet possible crush on him. Sonic listened as the muffled shower water rang through the house.
*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*
Sonic looked over at the door. "Who would be here at this time?" Sonic got up and pushed in his chair. He looked at the time and shook his head. He walked over to the door waited before opening for another knock.
*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*
Sonic twisted the doorknob.m and opened the door revealing the worst sight he could of saw that day...Amy. "Hey Sonic, we need to talk." Sonic had a confused expression. "Why?" She shook off the question. "May I come in?" She said rather properly. Sonic nodded and shut the door. Amy walked over by the living room and stood. Sonic stood by the bar counter looking at her. "What did you need to discuss?" Sonic said very unamused. Amy had a very stern face. "It's about Tails." Sonic sighed. "Amy I don't want to hear about how unfair-." She cut him off. "That's not what I mean Sonic." She said calmly. "Cream came over to my place yesterday concerned. She said when she was walking by she noticed Tails walking out throwing away a bag of something strange.  He also acted very seriously and depressed." Sonic listened still not sure what Amy was trying to say. "What I'm saying Sonic is I think Tails is better off with me." Amy had a quite serious face. Sonic let the statement sink in. "No. He is just fine here." Sonic said defensively. Amy sighed. "Sonic we both know you work all the time and can't even provide enough attention for him. He needs someone to be there for him, someone to care for him, someone to love him like a friend should." Sonic had an expressionless face. As if everything she was saying was falling on deaf ears. "He is perfectly fine staying with me Amy." He finally said. Amy shook her head. "Sonic you know nothing about raising a child, hell...I don't even know if you know how to love one." This hit somewhere deep within Sonic. "I love Tails Amy, I don't appreciate you walking up in here like you know what Tails want and telling me how to raise him," Sonic said frustrated. She shook her head. "From what I've heard it seems to me as if your not raising him at all." She said angrily. She walked over to the bar counter. "Think of Tails, not yourself for a moment." Sonic was about to burst. The anger inside boiling up. "Amy shut the hell up! You know I always think of what's best for Tails..." Amy stared at Sonic like she was stuck in a trance. Her face got closer. Sonic scrunched his eyebrows confused. She kissed Sonic on the lips her eyes closed.

Tails had finished drying off and putting his fresh clean clothes on. He looked at the vase full of dead flowers on the sink counter. He threw them away and grabbed the vase.  He opened the door ready to ask Sonic if he could fetch some flowers. "Hey, Sonic, can I fetch some--." Tails saw as Amy and Sonic were kissing in front of the bar. Tails dropped the vase staring. It shattered on the floor with a crash. Pieces flying in every direction. Sonic quickly pushed Amy off. "Hey, Tails," Amy said smirking. Sonic had a look of pure guilt on his face. "Tails, I can explain. This isn't what it looks--." Tails cut him off. "Save know for once I thought just maybe my dream had come true." Tails scoffed. "Well, I was a stupid bastard for thinking that." He pushed past Amy and Sonic and opened the door. "Tails!? What are you doing!? Where are you going?!" Tails answered in between sobs. "As far away from here as possible." Tails slammed the door. "Wait! Tails!!" Amy smiled. "Awe he was dreaming of us being together?" Amy said as if she had missed interpreted the whole conversation wrong. Sonic opened the door quickly but Tails was already gone. "Where are you going?" Amy asked smirking. "To find Tails, you stupid bitch!" He said, angry at what the pink hedgehog had done. He never likes Amy and she knew that. Yet here she is walking into his house arguing about who Tails should be with and then kissing him? Sonic slammed the door angrily behind him. He felt a drop fall out of the Sky. "Tails!? Tails!?" Sonic yelled looking around for his two-tailed friend. He noticed the sky beginning to darken. It was gonna storm soon and Tails was gonna be all alone. Sonic quickly ran yelling. "Tails!!! I don't like Amy! She forced kissed me!!" Sonic facepalmed himself in the face. " Forced kissed me? Really?" He said talking to himself. "Tails!! I'm sorry!" Son of listened for a response but no answer. Sonic had a very sick feeling in the pit of his stomach. His best friend was out there somewhere running or flying farther and farther away from home just because Amy decided to be a jackass. Sonic felt rears beginning to form but held them back. Sonic sighed. "He will be back soon or in the morning. He just needs time to vent." Sonic said upset. He shook his head. "When I get back home and get my hands on the pink fucking hedgehog..." He stomped back home angrily...

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