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It had been another long day at work. The factory had been short-staffed for the past couple months so Sonic took any extra hours available. Especially for the little surprise he was saving up for. Poor Tails was alone all the time and always doing the housework alone. Sonic hated leaving the fox alone, he was afraid something would happen to him. Maybe that was just his parenting instincts kicking in, or maybe something more. Sonic clocked in his hours and wiped his forehead with a towel. "Hey, Sonic! See you first thing Monday?" The red Echidna said smiling. "Sure thing Knuckles, you closing up tonight?" Sonic asked his good friend. "Yah I got it covered, have a good night." "You too," Sonic said quickly. He wanted to get home and eat. He was starving. He stretched, his back snapping at the pressure. He moaned and opened the doors to the factory. The cold crisp hair hitting his fur. God, it felt good, he had been cooped up in that factory all day. The moon shone brightly overhead, it's luminescent rays providing a small quantity of light. He walked over to his car and threw Himself into it. He was so tired too. He flipped the keys in the ignition getting a rumbling noise in return. He backed out and made his way onto the road. The black pavement running for miles on end. The trees would blur past, as would the familiar houses and landscape. It was routine for him to take this route home. He could see the house in the distance. Relief washing over him. He was finally here...home. He pulled in to the driveway and shut the car off. The lights blinking out of existence. He shut the car door and walked up to the steps of the house. Something caught his attention. The smell of something delicious. His stomach growled in reply. He quickly opened the door and shut it behind him. "Tails! I'm home!" There was no response. "Must be asleep," Sonic said making his way to the kitchen. A little note sat upon the crockpot that was still warm with the food inside.

"I made Chili, the bowls are washed and in the cupboard."

Sonic smiled and set the note down. He opened the pot, the smells wafting through the air and up his nose. His mouth watered. He grabbed a bowl and scooped some chili. He quickly sat at the bar counter and began eating. He was famished! He downed his bowl quickly before setting the bowel in the sink. A flash of light caught his attention. He walked over to the window. Lightning split the sky and hit the ground with a soft rumble. "Better hurry and take my shower." Sonic ran to the bathroom and turned the hot water on. He slowly pulled off his clothes and threw them in the hamper. He noticed something on the floor. He hunched over and took a closer look. A few red dots splattered the floor. Dried from a long sit. Sonic wiped it off with a washcloth. He shook his head and continued into the shower. The warm water hitting his fur in bursts of pleasure. He quickly washed up and turned the water off. A huge booming sound shook the house startling Sonic.  He quickly dried off and put some briefs on and walked out of the bathroom. "Tails?!"
Sonic said noticing the power went out. He walked into the kitchen and opened a drawer. He felt around and finally felt the candlesticks and lighter. He lots one up as it lot the whole kitchen up with its soft glow. He took some candle holders out and stuck the candles in them. He set one in the kitchen and one in the living room. He made his way to the bathroom and set one in there. "Tails?" Sonic said opening the door to the fox's bedroom. He couldn't really see into the bedroom but he could hear the whimpering and see the bedsheets covering ahead. Sonic came over to the bed. "Tails..." Sonic said taking the sheet and slowly peeling it away. Tails quickly threw the sheet back over. "Cmon Tails, let's go sleep in my bed tonight," Sonic said brushing his hand along the fox's head. The fox stirred and peeked his adorable little head out from underneath the covers. "O-okay." He says with chattering teeth. Tails threw the covers off. Sonic took Tails's hand and began walking to his room. Tails blushed as they made their way to the other bedroom. Sonic opened the door and shut it behind the fox. Tails stood there blushing and still scared of the storm outside. Sonic set the candle down on the dresser he made his way towards the bed. Another loud booming noise made the fox jump into Sonics arms. Tails let the tears begun to fall as he was embossed and scared. Sonic smirked slightly, he likes to hold the fox. He took the fox to the bed and set him down slightly. Sonic grabbed a pillow and set it on the floor. He threw the covers on Tails. "Y-your g-gonna lay n-next to m-me right?" Tails said still frightened. Sonic smiled. "Of course." He said grabbing the pillow and setting it back in its place on the bed. He pushed his way underneath the covers. The fox's body pressed up against his. Another thunderclap sounded. The fox wrapped his arms around Sonic tightly. Sonic rolled to his side and brought the fox up to his chest. He rested his head in him. "Its okay Tails, I'm here. I always will be." Sonic felt a warm feeling beginning to arise within him but he was so tired. He listened as the fox began to breath slower. He was asleep. Sonic yawned and kissed Tails' forehead. He missed doing this. He loved doing it and he loved Tails. Sonic shook his head. As a friend of course. Even after thinking that last part over he felt something on the inside tugging on him, that warm feeling. He closed his eyes. The pitter patter of rain in the roof and the thunder beginning to soften up. Sonic felt his eyes drift close as he fell into a deep comfortable sleep.

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