New Aquantainces

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( stay with me guys. Sorry for not updating sooner! Life is quite busy! XD)

Tails ran down the road quickly, not looking back at the confusion and heartbreak. "Tails!!! Tails!?" Cream said watching the fox run down the street. "Where are you going!!!?" She yelled. "Leave me alone cream!" Tails said tears falling like raindrops behind him. Something from within himself felt broken. Like someone had crushed his heart and thrown it into a furnace. "I'm so stupid." Tails said shaking his head as tears continued to fall. What was this feeling... It was like nothing could help him. Like he was drowning in a pit of darkness and lost hope. He slowed down his pace to a walk. "I have to get out of here." Tails said keeping his head low. He fished in his pocket knowing he had left his wallet at home. He fished out a few dollars. "For once my forgetfulness may come in handy." He chuckled to himself half-heartedly. He looked around at the very familiar surroundings.   This was the route he used to take to school! Tails knew there was a bus stop somewhere near here. "Where would I go?" He thought to himself. "I shouldn't leave...I need Sonic and Amy." His mind was like a war. Yes and no's being thrown around like grenades in a battlefield. Each one exploding into different ideas and decisions. He hadn't realized he had been standing there for the past five minutes until someone had pointed it out. "Hey dude, you've been standing there for five minutes now, what's the holdup?" Tails turned around quickly to come face to face with a hedgehog of red and black fur. "Oh.. Uh...sorry I was just going." Tails said beginning to walk. "Wait." The mysterious hedgehog said walking very close to Tails. "You have been crying." He said staring into Tails' eyes. Tails blushed and wiped his face quickly. "What's it to you." Tails said rather rudely. The hedgehog smiled. "You're rather cute when you're feisty." Tails hid his face away knowing he was blushing. "The name is Shadow." He held out his hand. Tails looked back and noticed Shadows hand extended out in a friendly gesture. Tails slowly and unsurely took it. "My n-name is Tails." He stuttered. Shadow smiled. "Now that wasn't so hard was it?" He laughed. "Where were you going anyway?" He questioned. Tails looked around. "Uh...I dunno actually..."Tears begging to form back over the fox's face. Shadow took his hand and gently pushed the fox's face so they were staring into each other eyes. "Now there is no reason to cry." He said wiping away one of the fox's tears. Tails gently smiled. Shadow smiled back. "Hey, Shads! Who is that?" A purply black bat said walking up from a nearby tree. "What did I say about calling me that!?" Shadow said irritated. "Yah, Yah, whatever." She said pulling out a cigarette and lighting it. "Who is this?" She said sizing Tails up. Tails shivered nervously. "He is a good friend of mine, he needs a place to stay for the night. Mind if he crashes with me at your place?" Shadow said smiling. The bat gave an uncertain questioning look towards Shadow. "I guess, as long as he doesn't get in the way." She said sassily. "I promise he won't," Shadow said smirking. The bat reached out a hand towards Tails. "Name is Rouge, by the way, some people call me Ro, it rhymes with you, but don't call me that unless you want a finger snapped off." She snapped. Tails shook his head. "Yes, Ma'am." He said quickly and frightened. She smirked. "Wish more kids would respect me like you." She glared at Shadow as if suggesting something of his character. "Yeah, whatever." Shadow said rolling his eyes. Rouge walked over to a car. "Well, you two pussywillows coming or what?" She said flicking the cigarette on the ground and stepping on it with her heel. Shadow smirked. "Welcome to the family Tails!" Shadow said laughing and hitting the fox's back kinda roughly. Tails yelped in pain. "Oh sorry, dude didn't know you had a sensitive back." Tails nodded as sweat trickled down his forehead. "What an I getting myself into he thought? Just go with it. You need somewhere to stay anyway, these people aren't all that bad." Tails thought as he walked alongside Shadow towards the car...

"There all done." The purple cat said finishing burying the last few flowers. "Let's see Amy beat that." She said getting up and dusting off her paws. She looked up and noticed that trashy bat walking to her car, which stood like a tin can on wheels. "She really needs to get some damn clothes on." She said shaking her head. She noticed that strange neighborhood kid walking with someone. "Tails?" She questioned thinking as she watched them enter the vehicle. She watched as they pulled out of a parking lot and drove past the house. She got a better look at who was in the vehicle...and it was no doubt...Tails. She quickly ran inside and got her phone. She quickly began dialing. It rang before someone answered. "Yeah Vanilla? This is Blaze. Can you pass a message to Amy for me?"...

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