Bottled Feelings

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Sonic woke up abruptly, sweat trickled down his quills. The room was dark, but he could make out the faint lights of a monitor to the right. Its red and green lights beeping intently. The night sky was brightly lit by the stars and luminous moon; penetrating through the window and casting a eerie light in the room.

" I?" Sonic said wiping the droplets from his forehead.

The bed was warm and quite comfortable; feeling like it had been freshly changed. He pulled the blankets down and winced. A bandage tinted a light red covered his side.

Sonic groaned recalling what had happened. He turned his body and threw his legs off the side of the bed. He took one foot and placed it on the floor. Its ice cold tiles sending a shiver up Sonic's spine. He took the next foot and placed it on the floor rising slowly. His legs felt like jelly, causing him to stumble forward. He grabbed the bed side to steady himself.

Something tugged on his arm. The IV string hung lifelessly around his wrist. He sighed and opened the window to let a little breeze in  before sitting back down on the edge of the bed.

Thoughts raced through his mind. Where was Tails? Was he okay? Did he make it? Where were they again? Sonic laid back down, his head pounding from the attempting at regaining his recollection.

"One thought at a time Sonic." He said to himself Calmly.

He looked over at the monitor again. 3:28 A.M. shone brightly back. It would be another few hours before a doctor, or nurse, came to check on him. It was overall extremely boring. All of Sonic's nerves flowed fast with anticipation and adrenaline. He needed to know now. There may not be time for a few hours. He rose once again back up; off the bed. This time with less trouble. He already knew if he pulled the Monitor and IV bag off it would beep repeatedly to warn a health official nearby, if there was one nearby that is.

Sonic manuvered around cautiously, tip-toeing in order to keep the atmosphere as quiet as possible. He followed the line of the monitor before reaching towards a wall plug-in. He pulled the wire out of the wall. The fast hum of the life machine slowly dissipating into the darkness of the still room. Silence filled the void of darkness that now surrounded Sonic.

He gently tore out the IV string and let it fall to the floor. He walked towards the door that he had apperently once came through before. The doorknob had a damp coldness to it. He turned the knob slowly, a click filling the room. The door swung open as a gush of warm air tickled his skin.

  Sonic moved forward, a lamp casted a light across the floor. It sat neatly put on a counter where a computer screen flashed it's violet-blue light onto a nearby wall. Hospitals already had an eerie feel to them but this by far made Sonic's skin crawl with apprehension. He noticed a little clipboard with paper next to the computer, he probably shouldn't nose around but if he wanted to find Tails he needed to know the room in which he was kept. Sonic watched as a camera stared back at him. Hopefully whoever was watching wasn't paying to much attention to what the blue blur was doing. He did blend in with the darkness a bit, maybe no one would notice.

Sonic quickly snatched the clip board and pressed himself close to the wall. He waited for an alarm to go off or a voice to tell out a "What are you doing!" Silence followed. Sonic waited another minute. Silence. Sonic sighed and looked down at the paper in his hand. Hundreds of names neatly written in a black ink stared back at him. It was difficult to make out the names but Sonic could make out the spelling of most. He scanned the page for a Miles prower with no such luck. He flipped the page, and another, and another. Sonic was just about to give up when he noticed a folded corner of a page. He unfolded it. Miles prower is what the blank ink said. Sonic was sure of it. Room 348 sector B.

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