Street lights and City Livin'

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Tails watched as the city lights came on. Darkness beginning to sweep across the city. Rouge drove the car past many buildings. Tails couldn't remember the last time he was in the city. Sonic and Amy always told him to avoid it, he never knew why though. It seemed like an okay place. Tails looked up through the windshield as streetlights zipped past in a blur. He had a feeling of being watched. He looked to the side while still facing forward. Shadow sat there, his head on his fist, resting against the window... staring at Tails with a lustful smirk. Tails felt his cheeks get warm as he sat back not making eye contact. Rouge finally came up to a building that had lights flashing everywhere. Big signs shone everywhere and many vehicles were parked in the parking lot. "Where are we?" Tails thought. Shadow seemed to know what the fox was thinking. "Its called a strip club, its where Rouge works." Tails nodded as they pulled into the parking lot and drove around back towards an alleyway before parking. Rouge pulled out a cigarette and lit it up, she puffed a few times before turning off the lights to the car and opening the door. "Well you gonna sit there and stare or get out?" Rouge said flicking some ash off her bud. Tails opened the door and got out, closing the door behind him. Shadow followed suit and came around brushing his hand alongside Tails' thigh. Tails felt a warm tingly feeling shoot up his leg. "Did he do that on purpose?" Tails thought looking down at the ground and blushing. Shadow looked at Rouge. "Can I have the keys to the apartment and a little cash?" He asked somewhat rudely. She rolled her eyes and pulled a wad of cash out of her pocket and began counting it in shadows hand. "Twenty-sixty- eighty." She said slapping four bills in the hedgehog's hands. "Make sure to grab some milk and butter while you're out. Okay?" She said putting the wad of cash back in her pocket. Someone poked their head out the back door of the building. "Rouge your on in five." She looked back at Shadow. "And please don't get into trouble, I don't need another problem." She ran into the back of the building her heels clicking all the way. Tails stood there not sure what to do. "Sooo..." Tails said awkwardly. Shadow smiled. "There is a store around the corner and home is about a block down past that." Shadow began walking. "Where are you going?" Tails said nervously listening to the city noises around him. "To the store dah." He continued walking. "Wait up!" Tails said running to catch up. Shadow turned the corner. Tails followed closely not familiar with any of his surroundings. "You ever been to this part of the city?" Shadow said darting his eyes back in forth like he was avoiding something. "'ve only been to the city a couple times I think." Shadow nodded. "Well if you stick close to me then you should be fine." Tails could here the emphasis to the "close to me" in his statement. Tails could see the store or what looked more like a gas station. "I thought you said we were going to the store?" Tails said looking at the old rundown building. "We are, this is where we buy our groceries," Shadow replied. Shadow walked up to the door and opened it, a bell sounded revealing their arrival. "After you," Shadow said smirking. Tails half smiled and walked in, shadow following close behind. Shadow walked down an aisle full of drinks and sodas. The whole isle was full of the many colored drinks. Tails bet he could find every color in the rainbow and more! At the end a glass door separated him from the milk and butter. Shadow opened it and grabbed the two things before walking past Tails to the counter. Tails walked slowly behind and watched as Shadow put the things up on the counter. The man behind the counter began typing something on the cash register. Tails watched as Shadow slowly picked some things from underneath counter and slid them into his jean pocket. Shadow turned around and put his finger up to his lips in a shushing gesture. Tails felt his body sweep up with heat and nervousness, he stood there awkwardly. He had never seen anyone steal anything before. "That will be nine ninety six." The man said. Shadow fished in his pocket and pulled out one of the twenties that Rouge had given him. The cash register binged as the man slipped the twenty in and pulled out the change. He handed it to Shadow with a receipt. Shadow nodded and put it in his pocket. He opened the door and waited for Tails. "Well, you coming?" He asked. Tails awkwardly walked out of the gas station making zero eye contact with Shadow or the clerk, afraid that he would get in trouble. When they both got outside Shadow bust up laughing. "The old hoot didn't even see what was going on right underneath his nose." Tails stood there nervously looking around. "What's wrong?" Shadow asked. "Well...I've never seen someone steal before." Tails said darting his eyes around thinking the police would jump out at them any minute. Shadow laughed. "Well I have a thing or two to teach you long as you don't get caught you will be fine." Shadow said beginning to walk down the street with the things. Tails kept up and thought about what happened. "What did you steal anyway?" Tails asked questioningly. Shadow smirked lustfully. "Oh just some pills." "What kind of pills?" Tails asked confused. "Pills for enjoyment." Shadow said plainly with a smirk.  Tails just shrugged it off and continued to walk not knowing what lied in store for him...

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