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December 12, 1998

                        December 12, 1998

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"Mr. Stark someone is at the door."

"Make then leave I have someone to entertain"

  Tony Stark looks at the red head that is standing before him.

" Stupid and pretty that's what I like in women."

  The red head giggles and trails her finger up his arm.

" Let's see what Howard Stark's son can do to me."

   But before Tony could answer Pepper comes barreling in the bedroom.

    " Tony come here right now"

    Quickly hearing the urgency in her voice Tony make his way to the door forgetting the red head in his bedroom.

Before him he sees a women holding a baby in her arms and a man that has paperwork crowding in his arms.

  " Look I don't want your Girl Scout cookies goodbye."

"Mr. Stark do you remember Angela Heinz?"

"Yes, very good in bed but always ran her mouth-"

" Mr. Stark she has died in a car accident. This child right here is her daughter."

" And that's my problem because?"

"Mr. Stark congratulations this is your daughter, you are allowed to rename her, and this is her paperwork that you will need to fill out."

Pepper was about to say something along the lines of this is a joke but seeing the girl in front of her she knew that this child is Tony Stark's daughter and Tony knew it was his too.

"Can't you like give her to the mother's family or something because I'm a busy man and I can not-"

"Mr. Stark their is no other family accept you so here is-"

As the guy was about to hand Tony the paperwork the child began to cry scared of the two care people with her.

"Give her here she doesn't like you"

Tony didn't know what came over him in that instance but he knew by just one look at the child he knew he would protect her from anything bad that came her way.

"I'll take the child, give me the paperwork and get out of my house."

"Thank you Mr. Stark and again may I say congratulations. Her name is Elizabeth Montgomery, she has no middle name-"

"Yeah, yeah get out right now before I have Happy over here make you get out."

As the partners began to leave Tony looked down at the child. She had hazel eyes, dark hair , and looked just like Tony and at this moment Tony knew that he had to be a better father than his dad could ever be and by starting this he came up with a name for the baby girl in his hands.

" Elizabeth "Lisa" Maria Stark"

" What do you guys think of that name?"

Happy and Pepper both shared a look with each other and said

"It's beautiful"

"Welcome to the Stark world Lisa, it's bad but I'll try to make it as good as possible for you"

   "Aw it's so cute"

"Happy can you show the red head out I need to go shopping for Lisa"

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