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"Okay what about-"


"But I didn't even-"


"Ugh!!" I give a glare to my father as we try to figure out what updates I need on my suit. We've already put in secret weapon holders and connected other suits to it also. The painting is still royal blue and silver, Pietro thinks the silver color is for him, and it's still slimmer than my dad's much like an exoskeleton. While my father and I are fighting Pietro is running in circles for a scientific experiment for my dad. My hair blows in every direction ruining my glare.

"Lisa, their are enough updates on that suit for you."

"But what if-"

"Lisa!" I shut up and see Pietro slow down making sure I'm okay before he starts running full speed again.

"Lisa" his voice is quieter now. "I would not let you have this suit without me checking out all the bad scenarios that could happen okay. Their is nothing to worry about." I look at my suit and what we have upgraded. It looks brand new and ready to take down any fight but it still feels like it's not ready. I don't know what it is yet but I'm scared to find out. When my dad is not looking I put in a tiny device that I have been designing for months now. I hear a beeping noise meaning Pietro is done running now. I look over and see him stop and fall down.

I run over to him flipping him over. He is breathing heavy and I hear dad coming over hear as well. He opens his eyes and smiles at my worried face.

"I am fine draga just exhausted." I smile and help him up as dad asks him some questions, mostly about what he feels as he is running. I get some water for him as Steve, Wanda, and Sam come into the lab.

"How's the tests going?" Steve raises an eyebrow as he walks with me, over to Pietro. I give him some water as he winks at me and takes a sip. I roll my eyes as I sit down next to him. On instinct he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to his side. Wanda smiles at us as I make a hand gesture to her to sit down next to me. Wanda and I have become closer over the month even sharing how we control our powers. I mostly care about how much we've bonded that one day while we were talking she called me sister and we couldn't stop crying.

"Good, his metabolism needs some work so he won't get tired as often. Everything else looks good and healthy." Steve nods at this as him and my dad have a quiet conversation. Sam squeezes in between Pietro and I earning a hard glare from the Sokovian speedster and a laugh from Wanda and I.

"Do you mind?" Sam looks over at Pietro.

"Nah I'll stay right here next to these two pretty ladies." One second he's smirking and the next second he is on the ground groaning holding his face. Pietro arm wraps around me again making sure I don't fall off of the table while laughing so hard. I go in to give him a kiss on the cheek but he turns his head and kisses my lips, I don't mind though but for the sake of the two avengers in training I break away unwilling and gave Pietro a smile. He does the same face to me his eyes showing love and adoration mine probably showing the same thing. The moment is ruined though by Sam's clumsy ass.

My suit falls to the floor in pieces and I get up in a instant running over to the suit pushing Sam out of the way

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My suit falls to the floor in pieces and I get up in a instant running over to the suit pushing Sam out of the way. I hear him mumble a sarcastic thanks but I'm to busy trying to find out what's broken or not. Steve and my father walk over to us. Steve helping Sam up and my father and Pietro help me sort out each piece. I get up abruptly and Pietro and dad follow my movements as well.

"Recover" My suit whirls around, pieces of metal from the tables fly over to my suit fixing up the things Sam broke. Once everything dies down and everyone uncovers their head, or take down their forces fields- Wanda and I- everyone looks over at my suit.

"This is the upgrade I wanted dad." Everyone especially my dad looks to shocked to make up words. Before I could say something else my dad runs over to my suit looking over at everything. Everyone looks at me with admiration.

"Lisa if this technology could go to everyone's suits no one would get hurt and we would feel safer when fighting." Everyone starts asking questions left and right. I get this gut feeling that this technology wouldn't help us enough but I don't say anything just answer questions about how I did this and if I could do it to other suits. Pietro speeds over to me not keeping his distance from everyone crowding me anymore.

"Are you okay draga?" Wanda, also still keeping her distance, looks over at me in concern. I smile over at her and turn back to Pietro.

"I'm okay just overwhelmed by all of the questions." I hear him mumble an okay before he captures my lips with his. I should be used to it by now almost being a month of us dating but it takes me by surprise every time. I hear wolf whistles and a remark by my dad but I don't care, I want to be in this moment forever.

 I hear wolf whistles and a remark by my dad but I don't care, I want to be in this moment forever

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We break away and look into each other's eyes cliche I know but it doesn't matter. He looks me up and down and I feel self conscious so I look down, I'm only wearing a sweater, old leggings, and some fuzzy socks. My acne on full display and my hair in a messy ponytail. He lifts up my chin and smiles at me.

"You are very beautiful Lisa. Very beautiful." I smile at him and he looks at me with love and adoration.

We then leave the lab and go down to the kitchen for lunch. I look over at everyone here and finally know what it's like to have a big family. Dad wraps his arm around my shoulder and looks down at me.

"You did good kid. You did good."

Everybody Knows ~ Pietro Maximoff Where stories live. Discover now