Chapter 5

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"Yeah, the look you gave him totally didn't show how much you like him."

After getting home from Sokovia Tony started pestering questions about the twins to Lisa

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After getting home from Sokovia Tony started pestering questions about the twins to Lisa. He knew the look she gave the boy anywhere. He gave the same look to Pepper.

"Well their goes my secret." Lisa said making a face.

"Lisa just be careful okay." Tony joked, he trusted his daughter but never trusted anyone else. He watched her grow up since day one and always made sure she had freedom to do whatever she wanted. But he will always make sure she was safe.

After finishing the last smoothie, Tony and Lisa made their way to where Dr. Cho was working on Clint.

"Hey Cho you coming to the party this Friday?" Tony said while Lisa handed the drinks out.

"No, to busy." After a few seconds she said "Will Thor be there?"

"Of course."

Lisa saw the way Cho looked at Thor, but only so much of the god could go around.

"Hey Lisa heard that scream from the quinjet, did anything happen?" Clint asked taking a sip of the smoothie.

Yeah saw my crush from 7 years ago and almost died of fan girling at how hot he was. Lisa thought

"No, but that witch got dad so I had to scream to get him out of the trance." Tony smirked knowing the real reason behind the pathetic lie.

"Oh that's good."

Clint always had a brotherly love to Lisa. Each avenger treated her differently, Steve treated her as a daughter, Natasha treated her as a little sister, Bruce treated her as just a friend, and Thor treated her as one of his own meaning, he never doubted her in anyway and saw her as a powerful human being.

Lisa felt her dad looking at her from across the room and knew that he wanted to talk to her. As she said her goodbyes she grabbed him and took him down to the lab.

"Okay so do you like him or what?"

Lisa looked at her dad in bewilderment.

"Yeah I totally like a guy I just met."

"Hey! I know that look. You look at him the same way you look at Brendon Urie."

Lisa rolled her eyes and mumble something along the lines of a god from hell. Tony laughed and put his arm around her shoulder.

"Brendon Urie is an amazing human being and should never be judged against that sovakian rat."

Tony froze he thought she just liked the guy's music but not like that.

"My gosh, you need help." Lisa snorted

Tony know who the maximoffs were

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Tony know who the maximoffs were. Lisa talked about them constantly when she was rescued from HYDRA. Phil said there was probably kids her age there since HYDRA was still experimenting. He also said someone was hugging her whenever they broke in.

"Well then next time we see him I'll blast his rat face into next week, no one can touch my daughter."


Lisa wasn't mad she knew her dad cared for her and that his threats where empty but hearing that made her flush red. She did like the maximoff boy but knew she wouldn't see him again.

Her and Tony where never on bad terms and hardly ever fought with each other so it was easy to tell him things, such as, boys, makeup, and clothes. It was always just her and Tony and then Pepper came when she was around 9 or 10 years old.

"Lisa, I'm joking but I swear to god if I see you kissing any boy I'll go all Iron Man on his-"

"Okay! I get it!" Lisa walked out of the room before her dad could embarrass her anymore.

As Tony walked out calling out an I love you and a goodbye Bruce rushed to him.

"How's the scepter doing?" Bruce rushed out.

Tony rolled his eyes at the doctor's antics and turned toward the glowing device. Tony let out a sigh knowing what Bruce wanted to try.

"Okay, lets do it give me some ideas."

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