Chapter 7

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Sokovia, Russia 2008 before Lisa was taken

"The twins and the girl are doing very well, but the girl and the Maximoff boy have been getting very close

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"The twins and the girl are doing very well, but the girl and the Maximoff boy have been getting very close. This will be evaluated until further notice."

Strucker wanted the girl to be powerful. Powerful enough to even take over the Winter Soldier position. He wanted an experiment that would kill anyone on the other side without hesitation. He found his idea of this experimentation in the one and only Lisa Stark.

New York, New York, 9 years ago

"Lisa come here and take your medicine!" Tony Stark yelled out as he poured the disgusting red liquid into a cup. It was 8 in the morning and Lisa had had a cold for two days now. As Tony heard little footsteps run down the stairs he looked up and saw a groggy and runny nose Lisa.

"Do I -sniff- have to?" Lisa looked up to her father seeing him holding the cup. She made a face of disgust.

"Yes, now if you take it I'll get you ice cream." Lisa gave Tony a look.

"Yeah right." Lisa took the cup and drank the medicine. She then started coughing.

"That is the most disgusting thing I have ever drank." Tony rolled his eyes at his daughter.

"You've only been alive for nine years Lisa." Lisa then put her hands out and did a grabbing motion. Tony picked the girl up and sat her down on the counter and started making coffee. Lisa was very small for her age so her father still treated her as a kid.

"It's suppose to get up to 90 degrees today, so do you want to-"


"Absolutely not!" Both of the Stark's looked over and saw the one and only Pepper Potts.

"Lisa is sick and the pool will get her even sicker. That is not going to happen." Tony and Lisa pulled a face.

"Come on-"

"No!" Lisa then started to cough. Tony picked her up and Pepper followed.

"Okay, okay we'll stay in. I think Lisa has a doctors appointment anyways." Pepper looked down at the calendar she had in her hand.

"She does. It's at three and right now it's eight in the morning." Tony put Lisa down on the couch and sat next to her. Pepper took the seat right by them.

"Her temperature was 100 degrees when she woke up." Pepper stated. She looked down at the now sleeping girl. She cared for her like a mother did for a child. She never doubted that Tony couldn't take care of Lisa. The press gave him a bad image, but Pepper saw the behind the scenes, and she saw Tony trying to be better than his father and he was. He always stayed right by his daughter, and always wanted her to never feel left out or feel unwanted.

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