Chapter 3

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"Wait so you're friends with my dad?"

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"Wait so you're friends with my dad?"

"Well not exactly, we just work with Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division." Phil Coulson said

"Have you ever thought of a shorter name yet?" Lisa asked

"We are working on that." Phil smiled at the young Stark wondering why someone would do so much damage to a little girl.

"When are we going to see my dad?"

"Right about now." As he said that the quinjet doors open and all Lisa could see where three figures and very bright light.


Tony, Pepper, and Happy all said together.

"Oh baby, are you all right" the oldest Stark asked. Pepper and Happy where quiet giving the father and daughter some space.

"Yes daddy, but what happened to your face?"

Tony laughed he was overjoyed and relieved that his only daughter was safe and back in his arms out of harms way.

"Nothing to worry about just a few scratches sweetheart."

"Okay" Tony had just gotten his sling off so he was happy that he could finally move his arm around.

"Tony we need to get going the paparazzi will show up any second." Pepper said

"Right okay Lisa go to the car with Pepper and Happy and I'll be right there."

As Lisa, Pepper, and Happy went off to the car he could here both the adults talking about how much they missed her.

"Lisa was experimented on as expected would you like to know what she can do now?"

Tony didn't want to know because he was afraid that this would change Lisa's life but even if it did change her life he still wanted to make sure she was safe from hurting herself or others. Tony nodded.

"She has enhanced hearing and sonic screaming. Also has telekinesis, mind reading, and manipulation of the mind."

"That's not bad we could help her control her telekinesis and mind stuff and I could build her some sort of device to help with her hearing and screaming."

"Mr. Stark she also has wings."


"Yes, we got feedback that if she was in any danger she could fly away from it. Honestly it sounds like a fairytale but that's what Strucker wanted."

     Strucker Tony thought this guy has turned my eight year old daughter into an experiment.

"I know that you mad about the experiment, but please remember to just help Lisa out for now and get revenge later."

"Of course, but I have to protect the one thing I can't live without."

"We know."

With that being said Coulson said his goodbyes and talked about how Mr. Barton had landed safely back in America.

Tony went to the car and thought about how he had just got his daughter back and all he wants to just focus now is just her.

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