Chapter 12

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"So, I guess we already established rooming arrangements." Clint jokes. Dad and I are in a room. Nat and Bruce are in the other guest room, and Steve, being the civil man he is, is taking the couch, also making sure the twins didn't do anything. I pick at the rest of the food on my plate that Laura so graciously made for us.

Everyone is still in the sober mood from yesterday, especially me. I look over at the twins who are situated between Clint and Steve. Pietro looks up at me but I look down right when we make eye contact missing the the small smile turning into a frown. Dad takes a piece of bacon from my plate and I shove my elbow into his side.

"What the heck do you have against my right side?" He asks. I shrug a small smile on my face. My hand goes up, but not enough to where he can see it. My powers flow through and lift the bacon out of his hands. He notices and snatches before I could do anything with it.


As if reading my mind he gives me a hard glare. Everyone stares at me.

Oh shit! Did I say that out loud?

"Yes, you did Lisa." Natasha jokes. My cheeks turn crimson in embarrassment and I put my head down. Dad chuckles and put his arms around my shoulder.

"What cap, triggered by two cuss words." He jokes. I was confused. What does he mean triggered? What happened and why was I not informed? Everyone laughs, they aren't real laughs but we try and make the outcome of this fight a little less miserable. Key word try.

Steve and Dad are chopping wood outside while I show Cooper and Lila; who I just now learned their names, what I could do with my powers. I lift up a piece of wood from my Dad's pile and drop it on the ground by my dad's feet. He glares but smiles anyway. He then turns to Steve, who, might I say, looks pretty good right now.

"Thor didn't say where he was going for answers?" Dad asks

"Sometimes my teammates don't tell me things. I was kind of hoping Thor would be the exception." Steve responds

"Yeah, give him time. We don't know what the Maximoff kid showed him." I have a somber look on my face remembering the visions and the voices until Cooper tugs at my sleeve and asks me to do something else.

"Earth's Mightiest Heroes." Pulled us apart like cotton candy."

"Seems like you walked away all right." Dad exclaims

"Is that a problem?" Steve shoots back

"I don't trust a guy without a dark side. Call me old fashioned." I roll my eyes at that statement but focus on the magic as dad would say rolling between my fingers. It's white like snow but when banshee takes over it's black. She hasn't said anything for awhile and I'm great full for that. When I woke up I manipulated my mind into thinking that I was okay. I'm not but, I'm trying.

Clint needed Cooper and Lila to help him with the fence, so here I am sitting on the steps of this lovely house listening to very old guys talk about the Avengers.

"Well let's just say you haven't seen it yet." Steve responds

"You know Ultron is trying to tear us apart, right?"

"Well I guess you'd know. Whether you tell us is a bit of a question." Ooh that had to burn.

"Banner and I were doing research." Dad declares

"That would affect the team."

"That would end the team. Isn't that the mission? Isn't that the "why" we fight, so we can end the fight, so we get to go home? So Lisa could get out of this nutshell and live a normal life?" Thanks dad. Steve then rips apart the log in half. My eyes go wide. Damn!

Everybody Knows ~ Pietro Maximoff Where stories live. Discover now