Chapter 18

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He chose her. Not me his own daughter, but her. I sound selfish. So selfish but I can't take it anymore. This, this is my breaking point and it's not going to be pretty.

Dad had to give out our address. Had to say that he wasn't afraid, but he was. I saw it. I heard it. His cries for help, and the nightmares. Oh, the nightmares were awful, but he didn't show that. He showed bravery.

That bravery ruined me.

Killed me

Destroyed me

But he didn't care

All because of her.

The house was blown up we all flew back my arms were so sore from whatever they gave me back in HYDRA. I couldn't use my powers it hurt to much. He made hand motions and i thought I would be safe.

The suit went to her.

I love Pepper I really do, but god I was jealous

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I love Pepper I really do, but god I was jealous.

I slammed onto the ground trying to sit up but everything was dizzy. He looked at me with





I cry out. Not from pain but from how he betrayed me. Then I'm drowning I hear him screaming for me but this, this is madness. He can't be sad about me. It's his fault. He chose her.

I'll catch you! Just let go!


All of them are lies.

Death didn't scare me. It welcomed me with open arms. Told me this is the end. I didn't care I was to broken. I knew right then I will always try to find a way to make sure people didn't feel the same pain I did. As long as they were happy I was fine.


So much blood. Pietro was on the way back to the tower while Clint was trying to keep the blood from coming out. When Lisa went down so did the healing process.

They finally land. Pietro in Clint's arms and Lisa in Tony's. They rush to the medical bay. Tubes, needles, and chest compressors are being used to save the teenagers. Tony clenches his jaw knowing Lisa did this to help Wanda out. Wanda couldn't lose anymore family he knows that but god why did Lisa sacrifice herself. Lisa was his only family too.

The nurses push both Avengers out of the room. Tony storms off as Clint sits down in one of the waiting chairs. He sighs.

These kids will one day give me a heart attack.



More pain

Damn who killed me?

I open my eyes and then close them the light burning them. I feel someone's hand on my own and open my eyes again. Once I'm finally able to see I look down at my father. It brings me back to when I died and they had to save me. Took the extremist out and made sure my powers were working correctly. The extremis saved me but also killed me from the override of my powers also trying to heal me.

I'm a mess

A complete and utterly-

"Why did you do it." I look over at my father. I see relief and also anger in his face. "Why did you save that boy. The enemy?" I must of took to long to answer because he screamed again.

"Why did you do it Lisa! Why! Yo-you could've died! Do you know how much that would hurt me!" This, this is it my breaking point is happening. It didn't happen back in 2013 it's happening now. I don't scream or yell. I don't shove him off of me or walk away. I just look down and ask quietly.

"Why didn't you choose me?" It comes out broken. He looks confused at me. His face gets softer.

"What?" I start tearing up.

"Why didn't you chose me when the house was blown up?" The look on his face goes from confusion to sadness. But I don't stop.

"Why didn't you chose your own daughter!" It happens, I do finally scream. I finally rip his hand away from mine and sit up. I'm crying now. The tears making my vision blurry.

"Tell me!" He looks down, and I know why. I know why he chose her. I laugh bitterly.

"Am I that bad of a daughter?" My voice breaks at the end. He looks up and stares right into my eyes.

"No" He says sternly but I already know what the actual answer is.

"I'm sorry I wasn't a good enough daughter for the Tony Stark. I was to much of a freak show that you thought I could save myself. . . Or did you even know if I could save my myself?" I'm full on sobbing now. He stands up and I know he's about to walk out he always-

He grabs onto my shoulders and my eyes go wide.

"Lisa Maria Stark." He says sternly. His eyes aren't full of anger but determination.

"You are my greatest creation. I don't care that you have powers. I don't care if you are smarter than me. I don't even care that you dress a little emoish. You are my daughter. You will always be the person that I will always love with all of my heart. You will always be the person who I would risk my life just to save yours. I love you. I never want to lose you. I didn't chose you because-" His voice cracks.

"Because I saw something. This glow you had it- it saved you and now I know that it was the extremis and I was idiotic to think that my babygirl could survive without me needing to help her but I was wrong. You are not weak, you are strong, Lisa, but we both need eachother. We can't do this alone. When I saw you get pushed off of Sokovia I didn't stop and ask jar-FRIDAY if you would survive I flew down there leaving those robots behind, because I can't lose you again. You're all I have." Now he's full on crying and so am I. I start sobbing even harder and he sits down and pulls me into his chest hugging me tight but I don't care right now.

"Lisa, don't you ever think that I regretted taking you in, raising you, being with you, i love you so much, and I will always regret that I didn't help you, you are my daughter, and I'm damn proud to call you that too." I smile into his shoulder. We both sit there in the medical wing crying and smiling knowing everything is going to be okay now.

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