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*Niall's POV*

I watched as the love of my life ran away once again. How could i let her leave AGAIN?!

It brought me back to that day when she got in an accident. The day she left me because of a stupid mistake i made. I remember the makeup running down her face, just like it was a few seconds ago. How could i be such an idiot? What the hell is wrong with me?! I just swung at the girl i love. Why can't i control myself anymore?! I don't deserve Makayla. I'm the one who ruined her life as well as my own.

*Makayla's POV*

"Oh my gosh! Makayla! Are you okay?! Im so sorry. i didnt know you were there. Makayla? Can you hear me?" A voice filled my ears but i couldn't make out who it was. My vision was black so i couldn't see who it was either. i lifted my head up and tried to open my eyes but all i saw was black.

"Zayn! Zayn!" i cry and wave my arms around. "Im right here M. Its okay. im here" I hear him say and grab my hands.

"Im so sorry M. Really i am." That same voice said but i still had no idea who it was. I reached my hand out and placed it on his face. I then found his hair and thats how i knew it was Harry. "Umm..what are you doing?" he laughs. "Harry?" i ask. "Yeah. Did you not know it was me? Youre looking right at me." he says and i remove my hand from his hair. "I am?" i ask while opening and closing my eyes but still only seeing black.

"M. Look at me." Zayn says and i turn my head, following the sound of his voice. "Look into my eyes M" He says and honestly, i try but all i saw was black. "I cant" i say. "I cant see you. I only see black"

"What the hell happened?!" Niall calls as he walks out of his bedroom. "Were you crying?" Zayn asks him and i could hear him sniffle. "Maybe. But what happened out here?" he asks. "I hit Makayla with the door." Harry states. "oh great job. Just mess her memory up more." Niall says. "No. it wasn't his fault. He didn't know i was there." I tell them.

"Okay. Come on M. We gotta get you to the hospital." Zayn says and helps me stand up. "Ill go with" Harry says. "Wait. Hopsital? Why? Did you hit her that hard?" Niall questions. "I don't know. But apperently she cant see anything." Zayn says and guides me to the car. "WAIT!!!" Niall yells. "IM COMING!!" I hear him as he followed behind us.

*Niall's POV*

"I cant believe you hit her with the door." I tell Harry as we head for the hospital. "It was an accident. And im very sorry. Ill never forgive myself." Harry says and places his face in his hands. "I cant believe you almost punched me." Makayla snapped as she continuously opened and closed her eyes. "You punched my sister!!!" Zayn screams, taking his attention off of driving and almost swerving off the road.

"Almost." i say and look out the window. "What the hell is wrong with you?" Zayn asks before pulling into the parking lot. I take a deep breath before answering his question.


*Makayla's POV*

Harry and Zayn helped me out of the car and into the building. "Hello. My sister got hit and now she says she is unable to see" I hear Zayn say. "Oh my gosh." the lady says and then i hear her tell us where to go. "Emergency?" i ask getting anxious. "Its going to be okay M." Zayn says as he kisses the top of my head. "Im so sorry Makayla. I really am" Harry tells me and kisses my cheek.

"Heres a wheelchair." Zayn says and helps me sit down. "M." I hear an irish accent say. "Im sorry. About everything. I love you" he says just before i was rolled away.

I understand that he loves me. And yeah maybe i love him. But he almost hit me. How can i forgive him for that? Maybe breaking up that night a couple months ago was a good thing. I just wish i knew what happened that night, it would be easier to be mad at him. I want to forgive him but now i don't think i ever can. My brain hurts too much to even think about it.

*Niall's POV*

"Im such an idiot" I hear Harry whisper next to me. "No. Im the idiot. I ruined her life. I ruined my life. I ruined the band's career. Im sorry." i confess. "Its gonna be alright mate. Whatever happens, we can get through this." Harry says and places his hand on my shoulder. "I just wish i knew what the hell i did that night. What the hell did i do that hurt her so badly?! And why can't i remember! Im not the one who lost my memory. Though i wish it was me. She doesn't deserve it. I do" I say and stand up. "I need some fresh air" i tell them before exiting the building.

*Zayn's POV*

"Ill go with him. To make sure he doesn't do anything stupid." i say and follow the irish boy outside.

"I dont wanna talk" Niall snaps as he leans against the building. "I wasn't going to say anything. I just wanted to make sure you didn't do anything stupid" i say and stand next to him. "Too late for that" he says just as i see a crowd of people coming towards us.

"Niall." i say and shove his arm. "hmm" he mumbles as he covers his face with his hands. "Niall. They found us." i say and shove him a little harder. "Come on Niall. Fans and paps are coming. We have to go back inside!" i tell him. He looks up just as flashing lights surround us.

"Zayn! Niall! What happened? Did one of the other boys get hurt? Is it Makayla?" Questions were being fired at us from all around. Niall and i tried to push our way through but it was no use. Girls were screaming and pictures were being taken. I could feel my body being shoved here and there. We were being bombarded and there was no way out.


*Harry's POV*

I sat here scrolling through twitter as a nurse approached me. "Ummm. Are you here for Miss Makayla Malik?" she asked me and i stood up. "Yeah. Is she okay?" i asked her and shoved my phone in my pocket. "Yes. She is going to be okay. We did some tests and it seems that all the damage to her brain is what made her eyesight stop working. But we did some small surgery and so she should be able to see again." A smile spread across my lips as i thanked the nurse. "Wait. Can i go see her?" i asked anxiously. "Yes. But her eyesight is still adjusting. And her memory is still not 100% either. So i would take it easy. And if she forgets some things again, dont panic. Her memory might come and go but we're hoping sometime soon it will be back for good. Oh and she must be very careful not to get hurt anymore. We don't want anymore damage done to her." She said and walked away.

I made my way to Makayla's room and found her asleep. I moved a chair next to her bed and sat down. I decided to text Zayn.

Im with M. I typed and pressed send. I put my phone back in my pocket and looked up at Makayla. My fingers twitched as tears fell down my cheeks. I watched as her chest moved up and down slowly. Her eyes closed but i could easily picture the color of them. The same shade of brown as her brothers.

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