A Small Box

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*Makayla's POV*

It's been 2 weeks since Zayn got arrested. I haven't visited him yet. I know I should but I'm scared. I don't wanna see him in there. But I need to see him.

"Ready to go?" Niall asked. I nod while putting my phone in my back pocket. I officially moved in with Niall a few days ago and I honestly couldn't be more happy. My nightmares are going away again and I feel safe. But there's been something missing.


We pulled up to the prison and I felt chills go down my spine. "It's okay, M." Niall said, placing his hand on my thigh. A lump formed in my throat as Niall turned the car off.

"I can't Niall. I can't do it." I say with tears in my eyes. He sighs and nods his head. "I knew you would back out. Don't worry. I'll go in and talk to him."He says and I kiss his cheek. "Thank you."

He leaves me alone in the car and I can't help but imagine Zayn in there. I can't help but imagine the worst so I turn on the radio and try to relax.

*Niall's POV*

I walked up to the front desk and told the lady my name and who I was there to see. She handed me a sticker that said "visitor" and pointed to the left where there was a seating area. "Thank you." I said and sat down.

A few minutes passed when an officer approached me. "Follow me." He states. I do as he says and follow him into a room filled with tables. I see other families and friends visiting as well. Then, my eyes land on Zayn. His hair is messy and his beard is growing in. I walk up to him and sat down and I could easily see the pain in his eyes. He looks like he's been crying and hasn't slept in days.

I put on a smile and stay calm but all I want to do is hug him. He doesn't belong here.

"Hi Zayn." I say. "How's Makayla? Is she okay?" He asked. I nod. "Good. Good."
He sighs and looks at me.

"Niall. I know why Makayla left you that day." His words hit me like a gust of wind.

"What?" Was all I could say.

"I think I know why she left you. I think I remember." He said and I couldn't help but question everything.

"What the hell do you mean you remember? How long have you known?!" I start to raise my voice and I see a police officer walk over to me.

"Lower your voice, sir." He says and I appologize.

I take a deep breath and look at Zayn, waiting for him to explain.

"After the accident, I had a flash back to when M, got hurt. And It just hit me." He said and I stood up.

"Well...What?! WHAT IS IT! Damnit Malik! Tell me!" I yell as arms wrap around me from behind.

"Sir. You are being exscused outside. Do not resist." The man says as the door opens and he shoves me outside.

"Damnit." I sigh and look over at my car. I see Makayla sleeping soundly. I take a deep breath and walk over.

The drive back was quiet. Makayla slept the whole way. I didn't want to wake her and honestly I didn't want to tell her that Zayn knew.

I parked the car and looked over at M. I touched her shoulder softly and she opened her eyes. "We're home." I said and I felt a warm feeling come over me.

It's our home and nothing will change that.

The next couple of days were tough. I never mentioned anything about Zayn knowing. I told Makayla he was doing well and that he misses everybody.

I decided to take Makayla out to dinner tonight. Somewhere special for a special night.

It's been a while since we went out in public so we expected many fans and paps to follow us and ask questions.

We pulled into the parking lot of a fancy resturant. I got out of the car and could already see girls noticing me. I opened Makayla's door and grabbed her hand. She smiled at me as if to let me know that she's okay. She's prepared to hear people asking about Zayn. And she knows exactly what to say.

I smile back at her and kiss her cheek. "Lets enjoy our night." I say to her, before walking into the building.

*Makayla's POV*

We walked into this beautiful building and sat down in a booth. The waitor took our order and Niall got a bottle of wine.

"Wine? You never get wine." I say to him. He smirks. "Yeah but you like wine." He says and I blush.

The night continues with a few fans saying hello and only a couple paparazzi taking pictures but I'm used to it. I look around the resturant and notice the gorgeous paintings and decorations when suddenly it clicks.

"Wait, we've been here before!" I say, enthusiastically. Niall laughs his dorky but amazing laugh. "Finally!" He admits and takes a sip of his wine. "I brought you here for our first date." He said and tears came to my eyes.

"Oh my god. I remember." I say as I look at him. His dyed blonde but mostly brown hair now brushed nicely and he is wearing a nice suit and tie. I look down at my dress. A red flowy gown with sleeves that hang off the shoulders. The same dress I wore on our first date.

"That's why you told me to wear this." I say to him. He nods as his cheeks go red.

"Niall?" I ask quietly as he slowly gets out of his chair. My eyes watch him carefully as he bends down and kneels in front of me. His hands begin to shake as he reaches into his suit pocket and pulls out something. My head spins and my heart stops as I realize what it is.

A small box.

He holds my hand and looks up at me with pure joy in his eyes.

"Makayla Malik. My beautiful angel. We've been through a lot this past year. You've been through a lot. You're the strongest person I know. I loved you through the ups and I loved you through the downs. And I still love you. And I will always love you. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?" His voice was shakey and he had tears running down his face.

There were fans and people gathered around us with their phones out but honestly everything else was just a blur except for the man kneeling before me. All I could thing about was him and what he had just said. I looked down at the ring and just thought 'How could he want to marry me?'

But that's Niall. He always did love me. I do believe that. And I love him.

I was so overwhelmed that all I could manage to do was nod my head. The crowd cheered as Niall jumped up and wrapped me tightly into him. Tears fell onto my cheeks as I held onto him.

He is my rock. My bestfriend. My love.
He is my everything.

So why did saying yes feel so wrong?

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