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*Makayla's POV*

"I don't need to see a doctor." I argue as Zayn pulls me by my arm into the building. "Yes you do." He tells me as we walk up to the counter.

"Makayla Malik" He says my name and the lady nods. "Go on back. He's waiting for you." She tells us and I roll my eyes. "I can go by myself." I snap  but he ignores me and continues to pull me along down the hallway.

"I'm a grown women. I can go to the doctor by myself." I argue but he just continues to ignore me.

Gosh. He's really irritating me right now.

We walk into a room that I was not expecting. I was picturing a table in the middle and a doctor in a white lab coat.

But nope.

There is a couch in the middle of the room and a man standing in a suit. He motions for us to come in and sit down.

"Hello. Makayla. I'm Dr. Harvey. And you must be Zayn." He says and shakes my brother's hand. "Yes. Thank you for meeting with us." He says and the man nods. "Of course. So Makayla. You are free to say anything in here. Nothing will leave this room. Including what you say, Zayn." Dr. Harvey tells us and I roll my eyes.

He brought me to a therapist? I don't need any help! Why does nobody understand that?!

"So anything bothering you. Anything you want to talk about?" He asks and I feel a cringe in my body. "No." I state and he writes something on his notebook.

"I do. I've been very worried about my sister lately." Zayn says and Dr. Harvey writes it down.
"Okay. I heard you lost your memory a few months ago. How have you been doing since then?" Dr. Harvey asks and I tense up.

"Frustrated." I say and he nods. "Good. Good."

Good? How is that good? is he kidding me right now?

"Are you getting your memory back?" He questions and I shrug. "Most of it but I can't remember what happened the day of the accident. I remember probably everything else though." I tell him sincerely and he jots something else down.

Can I set that book on fire? Please?

"You remember when you were little? You remember your family?" Zayn asks me and I nod.

I do. I actually do remember. I remember waking up in my room and running down the stairs for breakfast. All my siblings sitting at the table as mom made us pancakes.

I remember getting into fights with my sisters over stupid little things like a hair brush. I remember hearing Zayn sing in his room and everyone telling him how talented he was. And how my mom had to force him out of bed to audition for the X Factor.

I remember it all.

Except that one day.
The most important day.
The #1 day I wish I could remember.

But of course, I can't.

"I'm sorry. Can I go now?" I ask, standing up with tears in my eyes.
"Yes. We will see you next week." Dr. Harvey says as I rush out the door with Zayn right behind me.

*Niall's POV*

"How did she do?" I beg Zayn to tell me when he walks into the studio. "She did okay. She still needs a lot more help though. But she'll get there." He states and I nod.

"I'm sorry." I blurt out. "What?" Zayn asks. "I'm sorry Zayn. I'm sorry that I put Maddie through this. I'm sorry that I put you through this. I'm sorry that I messed everything up. I'm just so sorry." I tell him as I start bawling. Zayn doesn't say anything, instead he pulls me into a comforting hug. I haven't cried this hard since that day.

And I have to admit, It feels good to let it out.


*Maddie's POV*

I shuffle in my bed unable to sleep once again. I lost count of how long it's been since I've actually had a good night's sleep.

I get out of bed and put my robe on before opening my door quietly. I walk into the kitchen. I grab a glass and fill it with water when the light turned on.

"Oh my god!" I yell turning around to see Zayn standing in the door way of the kitchen. His hair is messy and his eyes are red. He looks like he's been crying.

"Zayn? What's wrong?" I ask him, worriedly. He didn't say anything. He just stood there, staring at me. "Zayn. What is it?" I asked a little more worried. He took a deep breath and brushed his hands through his hair nervously. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I'm sorry." He muttered falling onto his knees. I rushed to his side and placed my hands on his shoulders.

"What are you talking about? What did you do?" I begged, getting more frustrated. I helped him stand to his feet just as my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID to read Harry's name.

"Hello?" I asked, picking up the phone. "Makayla! Is Zayn there? The cops are at my house looking for him." Harry says and I turn to Zayn who is now shaking in fear. He motions for me not to say anything but I can't lie. Can I?

"Uhh..." I pause and Harry sighs. "He's there isn't he?" he asks me, sounding like he was hoping Zayn wasn't here.

"Yeah. Yeah he's here." I admit which causes Zayn to break down. Harry tells me the police are on their way before hanging up with me. I put my phone down on the counter and look over at my big brother. He's sitting on the floor with his knees pulled into his chest. His breathing is heavy and I only have one thing on my mind.

"What the hell did you do?" I ask and he looks up me with helpless eyes. "I didn't mean to. I swear." He says but I put my hand up for him to stop "Zayn. What did you do?" I repeat and he hesitates. "I got into an accident. And I kinda freaked out and ran." He finally admits and I feel my heart drop.

I didn't say anything. What could I say? He just admitted that he's guilty of a hit and run. How do I reply to that?

Is anyone hurt? Why did he freak out and run away? What was he thinking? How did this happen?

So many questions run through my mind but all I could do was sit down on the floor next to Zayn and just look at him.

There's really nothing I can say. I can't promise him that it will all be okay because I'm not sure if it will be. I can't promise him that his career or his relationship with his friends and family won't be affected. I can't promise him that he won't go to jail. I can't promise him anything. All I can do is sit here with him until the police come.

Then, the doorbell rang.

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