That Day

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*Chapter 4* *Niall's POV*

"We were dating Makayla." i said, waiting for her reaction. She surprising was calm and smiled. I looked down and then back into her eyes. "But...." i continued. "But you left me." A tear left my eye. "I don't even know what I did but whatever it was i'm so sorry." I took a deep breath. She took her hand and placed it on top of my knee. "I had just come back from an interview with the boys. I sat on the couch and heard crying coming from your room." M nodded for me to continue. "I opened your door to see you on your phone. You looked up at me and jumped off your bed." i stopped. Holding back tears that threatened to fall. "You started yelling at me, telling me to go away and that you never wanted to see me again. You pushed past me and put on your shoes. I asked where you were going but you ignored me.........I was freaking out Makayla. You just.....left." I looked down at my feet. "I ran after you, screaming your name, but no answer." i stopped as i heard someone else crying besides my own. It was Makayla. "Do you remember?" i asked her but she shook her head. "No i dont remember but i can imagine it " she said. "Yeahh...well eventually, i found you.......' i stiffed. " I found the....street" I choked back tears. "Im sorry" i said before darting to my room.

*Makayla's POV*

"I'm sorry" i heard Niall say before he ran to his room. Hearing him cry made me so sad. It hurt me seeing him like this. "Someone go talk to him" i said aloud. "I will" Liam volunteered. I nodded and watched as he stood up and walked down to Niall's room. I looked over at my brother who spoke softly. "Niall is very sensitive about that day M. We all are. You are my little sister and that was a hard day for me. The boys and I were upstairs and we heard you and Niall yelling and then the door slam. We weren't sure if it was you or Niall left. We were worried. We soon found Niall running down the street and we ran after him. When we finially caught up to him he was on the ground in tears. We soon saw you. Liam quickly called the ambulance and the police......." Zayn stopped. Tears pouring down his face. I took my hand and lifted up his chin to make him look me in the eyes. "Its okay Zayn. You can stop there" i said to him and he smiled lightly. "M. You were hit by a car" Louis blurted out. I froze and i felt like my heart stopped. I could have guessed that without him saying it. I did'nt want to hear it. "Well.....ummmm......thanks for telling me guys" I wiped a tear from my eye. "But i need some time to think. Night' i waved and went to my room. I layed on my bed starring at the ceiling, unable to sleep.

*Niall's POV*

I couldn't finish the story. My heart is breaking just thinking about it. I hate myself for hurting her even thought i dont know what i did. But whatever i did it was not worth her getting hurt. She almost died because of me. "Hey mate, can i come in?" I heard Liam say and i nod. He joins me in the corner on the floor. "Come on Niall. Whatever happened she will forgive you. She loves you." he said as he placed his hand on my shoulder. I turned to him, my eyes filled with tears. "ive never seen her so mad before Liam. Never. And when i saw her in the street that night....I thought....I thought i lost her. " i cried into his shoulder. "I wish i could go back in time and stop myself from doing whatever i did. "

*Niall's Dream*

"Makayla? Zayn? Liam? Harry? Louis? Where is everybody?" i said as i walked into the apartment. I hear crying from one of the rooms. Makayla. "M?" i asked as i opened her door. She was laying on her bed with her phone in her hand. She was crying. "Babe whats wrong?" i asked and she jumped up quickly. "GO AWAY!!" she yelled "What did i do? Whats wrong?" i asked her. "GO AWAY!!! I NEVER WANNA SEE YOU AGAIN YOU JERK!!! I HATE YOU!!!!" she screamed. Tears coming from her eyes and mine. "Tell me what i did babe" i asked, trying to stay calm. She ignored me and put on her shoes. "Stop M" i said "STOP!" i screamed but she continued to ignore me."WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!?! STOP!!!" i yelled at he as she opened the door. She stopped and starred outside, it was pouring rain. "Babe youre going to get all wet." i told her. She turned to look at me, she looks so pretty when she cries. "Goodbye Niall" she said and slammed the door. "!!!!!!" I screamed before running outside, barefoot. I can't believe the first fight I have with her and i just let her go. "MAKAYALA!!!!!" i scream while running down the street. "NIALL?!?!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!?!?! COME BACK!!!!" i heard the boys screaming but i wasnt stopping. No way. I wasnt stopping until i find her. I need her back in my arms. The girl I love. My Princess. I kept running. Slippping and falling everynow and then because of the rain but i never stopped. I kept going. Im not giving up. And then out of the corner of my eye............i saw her. Her body all crooked and weak-looking. Her head bleeding and her eyes closed. "NO!" i screamed as loud as i could before i lost my breath. My heart stopped and i fell to my knees. I heard running from behind me and then they stopped just before i heard crying, other then my own. It was the boys. "Please come quickly. There was an accident." I heard Liam say. I felt someone hug me, and i knew it was Zayn. He was crying as much as I was. "Im sorry Zayn. Its all my fault" I cried.

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