This Cant Be Happening

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*Chapter 6* *Makayla's POV*

"MAKAYLA!!!!" Screamed the audience. "Come on M. The crowd is waiting for you" Zayn said looking at me. I shook my head in fear and started to walk backwards. "I cant. No i cant." I said over and over again. I then saw Niall run towards me. As he approached me i started to turn around. "Makayla." He said grabbing my arm. I turned and looked at him. "I cant Niall. I just cant." I said to him. "M. You used to love being onstage. Our fans love you and you love them. Please come. Please." He begged with the puppy dog face. He makes it so hard to say no. I sighed and nodded and he grabbed my hand. As we walked onto the stage i looked out into the audience. Thousands of fans all looking at me. I watched as fans cheered. I also noticed signs. One of them said "NASSIE 4EVA!!!". I looked down at Niall and I's hands that were inertwined, and i smiled. Niall must have noticed me smiling and smiled back. "I wish i remembered us" I said getting tears in my eyes. he nodded. "Someday Makayla. I promise."

I cheered as the boys ended their concert. I still can't beleive this is my life. I have a brother, 3 best friends and a boyfriend, well ex boyfriend,(kind of) in the world's biggest boy band. I watched as the boys said goodbye and left the stage.

"That was amazing!!" I yelled running over to the boys. The first boy i saw was Niall. I jumped into his arms. "You are sooo talented. All of you" i said looking into Niall's eyes. "Ooohhh. Whats this?" Louis asked and I blushed. "Nothing im just happy." I told him. I smiled and walked with them to their dressing rooms. "I remember your concerts" i blurted out. Everyone stopped and looked at me. I smiled even bigger. "I remember watching you guys perform!! I also remember watching you guys on the X Facter!!! i said getting excited. I thought for a moment. "Watching you guys perform live for the first time since my accident must have brought my memories back of you performing." All the boys smiled and were as happy as i was.

I sat there on the couch waiting for the boys to get dressed when i saw Zayn come out of the bathroom. He said down beside me and put his arm around my shoulders. "Hey Sis." He said and i smiled. "Im soo proud of you Zayn. I cant believe you do this everyday." I told him. We talked for awhile before the rest of the boys entered. "Ready to go?" Paul asked us peeking into the room. "Yup" we all said in union before leaving the arena.

The ride back to the hotel was quiet, mostly because all the boys were sleeping but also because no fans followed us. Harry had told me they usually get followed by fans everytime they go outside. Im soo glad that they are able to sleep though, they must be exsausted.

I smiled to myself as Niall's head started to fall. I watched as he blonde hair touched my shoulder. I giggled to myself. "He's so cute when he is sleeping" i whisper to myself. Shutup Makayla. You cant fall for him. First you have to find out why you left him, cause obviously it was a big deal. I sighed as i layed my head back, closing my eyes.

"Come on boys! Stop fooling around! We have to leave for the photoshoot!" Paul yelled down the hallway. I laughed as the boys ran around like maniacs. "LOOK OUT!!!" Yelled Louis who was running with an apple. Soon Harry came with a banana. He threw it at Louis who fell to the ground. I cried at the sight of them. I then saw Liam and Niall doing kartwheels towards me. I laughed at their failed attempts. "Watch how a real professional does it" i say walking in front of them. I get in the stance before putting my hands to the floor then my feet. "TADA!!!" I say ending my kartwheel. All the boys stopped what they were doing and started clapping. "Thank you. Thank you" i say bowing. After everyone stopped cheering i saw Paul come from around the corner, his face serious. Louis turned and saw him too. "RUN!!" Louis screamed running away from Paul, followed by the other boys. I stayed behind and watched as they all got trapped in the elevator. I began laughing so hard it hurt. Until, i realized that they are going to be late.

"Stand still please Harry." Pleaded the lady taking their photos. Harry i guess didnt care, cause he constantly was moving. "Okay. Your done. Niall?" She called. Harry then ran away to Zayn, Louis and Liam as Niall approached the scene. He stood there nicely and smiling as the photographer took his picture. Flashes continued when i heard whispering behind me. "On the count of 3."i heard Louis say. Oh no! What are they doing? "1............2..............................3!!!!" Yelled Louis. As he said 3 the four other boys came running into the picture with Niall. I chuckled as Niall fell to the floor in laughter. "Okay boys. Okay." The lady said trying not to laugh. "Youre done"

*Nialls POV*

"Stay away from me curly!!!!" I heard Louis scream running away from Harry.

"IM COMING FOR YOU PAYNO!!" Zayn yelled squirting Liam with his water gun. Yes, we're having a water gun fight. I ran around the parking lot looking for Makayla. Where could she be? "Ahhhh!!!!!! Harreehh!!!" I heard a beautiful voice scream. I turned around and saw Makayla chasing Harry. "Hahahahahah...Look out Harry!!!" I yelled running after them. I start shooting at Makayla and soon all the boys gang up on her.

"Heyy!!! Thats not fair! Im the only girl!" She called out. Then out of nowhere Paul comes and starts shooting at us. "THIS MEANS WAR!!!!" Louis shouted. I laughed as i shot at Zayn. "Got you Malik!" I said and then ran in the other direction.

*Maykayla POV*

"Are you ready to go home?" Liam asked from behind me. "Yeahh. I cant wait to see mom and dad sisters." I said to him. I forgot i have sisters. I sighed. "I still dont remember." I said to Liam as i turned to look at him. He placed his hand on my shoulder and i looked up. "I know M. But dont worry. Everyday you remember more and more. Someday soon you will be fully recovered." He told me and i smiled. Liam was a good friend. He was the one i go to when i need to talk, besides my brother.

"Time to go M." Zayn called from the hallway. "Coming!" I called back grabbing my last bag and heading to the door. "Are you ready?" My brother asked me and i smiled. "Yup. Lets go"

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