Chandler, Kiss me.

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"Chandler, kiss me." Was the first words that Joey spoke as he entered their apartment. Chandler was laying on the counter, but sat up on his elbows when he heard Joey enter the apartment.

"What?" Chandler said with his voice thick in confusion. 'did he just ask me to?...' Chandler thought as he waited for confirmation of what Joey had just said.

"I said Kiss me!" Joey said with a little annoyance at how his friend could have misheard him. He stepped into the kitchen towards Chandler who was now sitting with his legs off the side of the counter towards Joey.

"Oh, Sorry, I thought you asked me to do something crazy!" Chandler's voice had raised an octave, and filled with sarcasm. His best friend has just asked him to kiss him, twice.

"I'm not joking Chandler, Kiss me, common please? No one will know!"

"Why? I mean i'm totally flattered but WHY?" Chandlers voice was still higher than average, and only raised a little when Joey took another step forward, leaving only two feet between them. 'oh, oh god, oh god, oh my god. Joey has lost it... he is asking though, I could just kiss him... i mean it's practically a freebie. wait wait wait no. I'm not gay.'

"Some girl at the bar and I were getting along," Joey wiggled his eyebrows a little, and Chandler could feel his stomach tighten a little. "Then I kissed her, and she laughed right in my face!" his hands flew up in the air angrily. "She was all like 'oh my god you're so bad at kissing' and 'you kiss like you are drowning' what does that even mean! So you are gonna kiss me, right here right now!" Joey seemed pretty upset.

As he finished his sentence he stepped forward, pulled Chandlers legs towards him, scooting him further towards the edge of the counter, then pulled them apart as he stepped into them. That all happened too fast for Chandler to object, plus he was a little in shock, his friend, his BEST FRIEND, is pressed between his legs and 'oh my god. He's kissing me, god that girl was crazy. Best. Kiss. Ever.' Chandler leaned into the kiss placing his hand on Joey's neck, holding him against his lips. 'not gay, not gay, not gay, not gay...' Chandler chanted in his head, but he even knew that it was too late.

Joey softly swiped his tongue against Chandlers lower lip, begging to enter, and Chandler complied parting his lips slightly as Joey's tongue pried it open the rest. Suddenly the kiss deepened, their tongues traced each other's, exploring every piece of their best friends. Both of Chandler's hands were tangled into Joey's hair, one of his thumbs tracing the hair line on Joey's neck. Joey moaned into the kiss, his neck was his weakness, and Joey was Chandlers.
The moan that Joey let out was throaty, needy, and it vibrated into Chandler, shooting straight to his already hardening member. Joey could feel Chandlers erection against his, Joey's member was fully at attention, in fact he was definitely harder than Chandler.

Joey has known forever that he was bisexual, but he has never been so aroused as he was right know, propped between his best friends legs, making out, suffocating in each other. 'suffocating, i'm suffocating i should probably break the kiss, but i don't want to. never.' Joey thought to himself, willing himself to grow gills or something, but since he thought about the way his lungs were hurting he made himself slowly separate from Chandler.

Joey took in the sight before him, Chandler breathing heavy, lips parted still, and plump from the biting and sucking. They were pressed together, erection to erection, Chandlers legs were slightly wrapped around him, Joey had one hand on Chandler's ass, and the other his had been on the small of Chandler's back, squeezing them together. They stayed frozen like that, breathing heavy for nearly a full minute.

Joey tried to read Chandler's expression. He knows Chandler's views on being gay, but he couldn't figure out his expression, Chandler's eyes were staring right through Joey, his mouth was not upturned or frowning, he was dead still. 'Oh god what have I don't, oh god I ruined our friendship. now he won't watch Baywatch with me, or sit next to me at the cafe, what if he wants to move out? what if he never talks to me again? what have I done!' Joey was so scared he had lost his friend. He let his emotions show through. the one thing he had been trying to hide from Chandler and he just showed it.

Joey removed his hands from Chandler's body, and the cold that replaced those hands shook Chandler out of his trance. Chandler mumbled something quietly, and looked Joey in the eyes. Then he repeated what he said but a little louder.

"I'm gay." He put his hands on Joey's shoulder pushing him back slightly as he slid of the counter. Joey stepped back more giving Chandler what he wanted. 'oh god i broke him' Joey waited for him to yell. 'wait he said i'm gay, not i'm not gay.'

"What Chandler?" He said to get him to repeat himself.

"I am gay. I. AM. gay." He was speaking at a normal tone, but his voice was still a little breathy. Joey stayed quiet, unsure of what he should say.

"I'm so gay Joey, I've been so scared to admit it and since i never done anything gay i thought i could keep it down, i mean girls are hot, but i mean. wow. that was the single most sexy thing I've ever experienced, and god! i wish you never stopped kissing me, you are so hot, I've known that for a long time, and I've wanted to kiss you for years, but that, THAT, was not what i expected, and now every part of me you touched is cold, and i just want you to warm it back up, i just want you," He said all at once in that way he does when he rambles on and on when he's nerves, then he realized what he had said. 'Oh god, did I just tell Joey how i feel, oh god, he was just trying to prove he could kiss good, and then i just told him i want him all over me, oh god, i hate my life. i'm going to die.' He turned dark red waiting for Joey to get freaked out and leave or anything, but Joey just stood there.

'god Chandler, you just said all the right things... what do I say?' Joey thought for a split second and was about to speak when he heard Chandler speak again.

"How you doin'?" Chandler said in a mocking voice of his friend. 'oh god what am i doing, did i just say all that then use his own pick up line on him?!?'

"I'm doin' fine," Joey smiled, "but i'm a little cold, you know?"

[Joey x Chandler] COMPILATION OF SHORT STORIES FROM AO3Where stories live. Discover now