Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


       While I was walking home from work, someone tapped me on the shoulder so I turned around, only to see my best friend standing there with a smile. "Jane!" I said, pulling her into a hug. "I've missed you so much!"

       Jane laughed and hugged me back. "Well, it's good to know at least someone appreciates me. As soon as I came home, my grandma asked when I'm leaving again for the next semester."

       "So you're back for the break?" I asked, pulling away from her so we could continue walking through the village.

       "Nope, I'm back forever," Jane said. "I only wanted to try living on campus and I did not like it at all. My roommate was a lot more annoying than my grandma is, and it's a lot more boring living on campus. You're close to the school and you're just reminded of all the pain and money draining it causes."

       "Well, you're not wrong there," I said. "So anything new?"

       "Not really, no," Jane said. "I've been spending most of my time studying and doing school work. Not so much time for something interesting to happen. What about you? How's... How's everything going with Shaw?"

       "Oh, I, uh..." I hesitated, realizing I never told Jane about me and Shaw. I was such a horrible best friend. "We decided to give things another go."

       Jane stopped walking in her tracks. "Wait... You're no longer split up? You're not getting a divorce?" When I nodded, she punched me in the arm. "I can't believe you didn't tell me! When did this happen?!"

       "Less than two weeks ago," I said.

       "He made the first move right?" Jane asked. "Because I love you and everything and I want you to be happy, but he was the cause of you two splitting up in the first place. He had to show you that he still cared."

       "Well, you're in luck because it was him," I said. "I wanted to. Believe me, I did but I knew I had to wait and see if it was what he wanted."

       "Good," Jane said. "And I'm happy for you both. I really am. I know you two belong together and I hated that I couldn't really be here for you because I was living on campus."

       "Hey, it's okay," I said. "You still picked up the phone when I called you and that was more than enough. And at least you're here now. I was getting bored without having you here to bug daily."

       "Wow, you're hilarious," Jane said. "And as much as I'd love to spend time with my best friend who isn't really my best friend, I should be heading home. My parents are going to be visiting here for the week and they're going to arrive any moment."

       "Alright, I'll see you later," I said.

       We headed off in opposite directions with me continuing my walk home and her heading to her house. While I was on my way home, I couldn't help but shake a weird feeling I had. Almost like... someone was watching me. I stopped walking, looking around but I didn't see anyone. I sighed and continued my walk. I was probably just feeling a bit off after a long day at work.

       I hoped when I got home, I would just be able to relax without any commotion.

       That wasn't what happened.

       I opened the front and walked inside, seeing Mercy, Lucian, and Castiel run around the living room as Shaw tried getting them to calm down, but it just wasn't working.

       Castiel noticed me standing by the front door once I closed it, stopping in his tracks and gasping. He then ran over to me, wrapping his arms around me tightly. "Holden!" he said happily.

       Mercy and Lucian looked over as well, their smiles matching Castiel's as they ran over, hugging me tightly. "What are you doing here?!" Mercy asked.

       I looked over at Shaw. "What, you didn't tell them?"

       "They just got here five minutes ago and I knew you were on your way home from work, so I thought we could tell them together," Shaw said.

       "Tell us what?" Lucian asked.

       "Well, your father and I have decided that we are not going to get a divorce," I said.

       "So you're back together?" Mercy asked with a hopeful smile. "Still married and still in love?"

       "We are," Shaw said, which made the kids even more happy. I was even happy about it. I hadn't seen them in a long time and I definitely missed them. I didn't even care that they were crazy most of the time and I just wanted to relax right now.

       "Oh, so that's why Gibson is here," Lucian said. "Wait, does that mean we can see Gibson more? We missed our brother."

       "Well, I missed him more," Castiel said.

       "No, I did."

       "No, I did."

       And the arguing had begun.

       I took off my shoes and walked over to the living room while they still argued. I flopped down on the couch with a sigh and Shaw sat down beside me. "Was work that rough?" he asked.

       "Oh, definitely," I said. "I had to deal with a very annoying customer and I felt like putting hot sauce in his food. I didn't do. I can't risk being fired. It was Jordan, by the way."

       "No surprise there," Shaw said. "You know, not too long after you and I decided to split up, he told me that was what I get for dating a teenager. Does he know we're back together?"

       "Considering he told me I should have found someone around my age, I would say no," I said. "I would have told him but I just wanted to not talk to him at all."

       "Understandable," Shaw said. "I'm just glad your parents weren't mad at me when we told them we got back together. They were surprisingly happy about it."

       "Surprisingly?" I repeated. "My dad told me that you and I are soulmates, and my mom praised Julian for putting our divorce paper through the paper shredder."

       "Huh," Shaw said. "If only they had that mindset when we first started dating so we could have avoided all of that drama. But at least they're now one-hundred percent okay with us. And at least we're back together now. I couldn't be happier."

       I smiled. "Me too."

       Castiel hurried over to the couch and flopped down beside me. "Holden, can you play a video game with me? Nobody else wants to play with me."

       "Of course I will," I said. "Go choose the game."

       "Yay!" Castiel said, jumping up from the couch and going to where the video games were. As much as I wanted to rest after work, I would much rather spend time with Castiel. I missed him, and his siblings, way too much.

       I was definitely going to be spending as much time as I could with them this weekend.


lol it seems like im focusing on this book only ahahaha. but it's a good thing because im actually going to be bringing the OG characters back :) :) :) they (mainly dan and destiny) haven't really been in the past two books so IM BRINGING THEM BACK.

next chapter in fact ;)

and sholden ftw because my starry hear is so confuzzled right now. like i dont even know if theyre together or not???? ste said he wanted to be single but then he started panicking when he couldnt find harry and he was so worried like whats going on just get married already >:( (they should just elope because there has been four proposals between them and theyve been engaged twice ahahaha)

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