Chapter 45

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Chapter 45


       "Do I have to go in there?" Grant asked before the two of us could head into the room in the hospital that was being used for the support group. He was still staying with me and Holden since he didn't feel comfortable enough to live with his mom while he was recovering, so I thought I'd take him to the support group's meeting.

       But he also felt too uncomfortable to go into the support group. He thought he was going to be judged because he was the youngest one there, only being a recently turned sixteen year old. He was fifteen when he started taking cocaine.

       "You know, you don't have to say anything at all during the meeting," I said. "I never put anyone on the spot or ask someone to talk when they never volunteered to."

       Grant still looked hesitant to go in. "But what if people judge me for being so young?"

       "No one's going to judge you," I said. "Everyone who shows up knows what it's like to struggle with an addiction. While nobody has started as young as you, they still know what it's like and wouldn't judge anyone. Look, you can head back to my place if you want but I just think it will help you if you listen to the stories from these people and hear how their progress is going."

       Grant looked at the door leading to the support group meeting before looking back at me. "Okay... Would it be okay if I just sit outside of the circle? To the side?"

       "Yeah, of course," I said. "Whatever makes you feel more comfortable."

       Grant gave me a small, weak smile before the two of us headed inside the support group room. Since I was the one running the group, I was the first one here so I could set everything up. Grant helped me set up the chairs in a circle before grabbing the chair he was going to use and setting it off to the side.

       I was really glad Grant agreed to come to the meeting today. Last time he wanted to come, he purposefully showed up after the meeting ended because he was worried he would get judged. I really think hearing stories from other recovering addicts would help Grant with his recovery.

       And when the meeting started, I could see that it was helping Grant, or at the very least he was taking a mental note of what everyone else was saying. He seemed to be very attentive right now. I was expecting him to just be on his phone but he wasn't. He was actually listening to what everyone else was saying.

       When the meeting ended, Grant helped me clean up the room. "So how was it?" I asked.

       "It's weird," Grant said. "Everyone here had such a different story about how their addiction started and what caused them to start drinking or taking drugs, yet we were all able to relate to the struggles everyone was facing."

       "Now you can see why I wanted you to come," I said. "I know it's tough that your mom isn't supporting you right now but I want you to know that you're not alone. All these people here have similar experiences. Even I have a similar experience. Are you glad you came?"

       "Yeah, I am," Grant said. "I didn't feel the slightest bit uncomfortable or like anyone was judging me. Maybe next time, I'll sit with the circle, especially since you really don't make anyone talk if you don't want to. Thank you. For everything you've done for me."

       "It's not a problem," I said. "I never want anyone to go through an addiction alone. It's tough. Extremely tough, especially when you don't have your family's support. And I know it's not the same if your mom was supporting you but you'll always have me and Holden."

       Grant smiled genuinely this time, not weakly like almost every time he smiled as if he was trying to force himself to look happy. This time, it was a real smile.

       Once the room was cleaned up, the two of us left the hospital to start heading back to my house. As soon as we got home, Castiel quickly hopped off of the couch and rushed over to us. Well, rushed over to Grant. Castiel has gotten along quite well with Grant and even though Castiel could be very whiny at times, Grant never seemed to be annoyed by him.

       "Hi, Grant!" Castiel said. "Want to play a game with me? It's a very cool game. We have to find things around the house and build a robot and see who can make the coolest robot. And whoever doesn't have the coolest robot gets destroyed."

       "You mean the robot gets destroyed?" Grant asked.

       "Sure," Castiel said before grabbing Grant's hand and pulling him to the kitchen table to explain the game even more, despite Grant not yet agreeing to the game. But Grant already seemed like he was going to play it with Castiel.

       Holden walked over to me, carrying two mugs of hot chocolate and handing one to me. "You know, I don't think Castiel means the robot will get destroyed. He actually thinks the person should be destroyed."

       "Should I be worried?" I asked.

       "Probably," Holden said. "Then again, this is Castiel we're talking about. I took him to the park today and he saw someone step on an anthill so he started crying, and then made a memorial for the ants in the anthill. So how was the meeting?"

       "It went great," I said. "Grant just sat outside of the circle but he did say he's going to try sitting with the circle next time. I just... I wished he had his mom's support through this. I mean, of course I'll continue supporting him but sometimes, a family member's support gives us the extra push we need."

       "Why don't you try talking to his mom?" Holden asked.

       "I can but I don't know if I'll be able to do anything," I said. "If she won't listen to her own son, why would she listen to me, a complete stranger? Not only that, but if she says even the slightest offensive thing about Grant, I'd probably get mad."

       "You never know," Holden said. "Maybe she needs an outsider's opinion."

       "Yeah, you're right," I said. "I'll give it a shot."


omg i missed holden and shaw <3 and fetus grant <3

it's so weird writing a grant without a *insert future love interest here*

also harry was killed off in hollyoaks bye (this happened like a month ago but still bye)(the last thing he said to ste was i love you)

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