Chapter 37

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Chapter 37


       As much as I really wanted to catch Roman for what he did to my husband, I knew it was going to be more difficult to catch him during the day. He was supposed to be dead and now that it was revealed he wasn't and he was behind all the attacks, the police was on the lookout for him.

       If he ever wanted to go out somewhere, the best chance to catch him would be at night.

       I had to wait until everyone was asleep because I didn't have a good enough reason as to why I would be leaving the house so late at night. It wasn't that I was a horrible liar or anything; I was just blanking on what I could tell my family if I went out so late.

       I put on my shoes and my jacket before quietly opening the door, about to slip outside when I heard someone say, "Dad?"

       I turned around to see Mercy standing there, her eyebrows furrowed. "Where are you going?"

       "I just need to go for a walk to clear my head," I said. "I'll be back soon. Just go back to bed."

       Mercy didn't move an inch. "But... It's dark out."

       "I know," I said, walking over to her and crouching down so I was at her eye level. "I won't take long, I promise. It's just a quick walk."

       "Okay," Mercy said, throwing her arms around me in a tight hug. "I love you."

       "I love you too," I said, kissing the side of her head. "Now head off to bed."

       Mercy nodded before heading upstairs to her bedroom so I took the time to leave the house, quietly closing the door behind me. I couldn't afford waking up anyone else right now. I really couldn't have anyone trying to stop me.

       Not too many people were outside of the village right now; those who were outside were either going or coming from shops still open or were locking up their shops. If Roman ever wanted to be outside, now was the best bet.

       He better be outside because I was going to end things once and for all.

       I did a lot of walking around the village, not setting sight on Roman at all. I knew there was a huge chance he wouldn't be in the village but I wasn't going to give up so easily, not yet. I had to do a bit more searching before heading home.

       Even walking around for quite some time didn't make my doubt go down.

      My cell phone started ringing so I pulled it out of my pocket, seeing Holden's name flashing on the screen. I hesitated before answering it, really not wanting him to figure out while I was out so late. "Hello?"

       "Shaw, where are you?" Holden asked. 

       "I just went out for a walk," I said.

       "For this long?" Holden asked. "Mercy woke me up a while ago saying you went out even though it's close to midnight, but I wanted to wait for a bit before you came back. So why are you out for so long?"

       "Oh, you know, I just needed to clear my head," I said. "And I had a lot I needed to clear."


       "Don't worry, I'm on my way home," I said. I really didn't want to go back now but I'd rather not have my husband worry about me the whole time.

       This was why I wanted everyone to stay asleep.

       "Okay..." Holden said slowly. "Everything is fine though, right?"

       "Yeah," I said. "Well, the most it can be right now. I really am heading home, though, so I'll see you soon."

       "Yeah, I'll see you," Holden said, though there was a tiny bit of doubt in his voice.

       I hung up and placed my phone back in my pocket, sighing before heading back to my house. All I wanted was for Roman to be caught for all the crimes he committed; the attacks, the murders. I needed this to end.

       While I was walking back, I felt some sort of presence behind me. Maybe after all the chaos that had happened, my senses ended up heightening because I could definitely tell someone was behind me.

       And I had a feeling I knew who it was since I was taking a less populated path and since it was night, there definitely wasn't anyone around.

       Who else would be following me late at night?

       I didn't even turn around. I just let whoever it was get closer and closer before I felt like they were about to strike. I moved out of the way right as a wooden plank swung down. It would have hit me if I didn't move out of the way and probably would have knocked me out.

       I took the opportunity to grab the arm holding the plank, twisting it behind the person's back tightly. "Oh, wow, I was right," I said. "What a nice surprise, Roman. I've got to say, you're not the best at sneaking up on people."

       "I've done it to you before," Roman said.

       "Yes, and I survived so really, you should have improved your game," I said. "But you didn't. In fact, I think it got worse."

       Roman tried getting out of my grasp but I definitely wasn't going to let him go so easily. All the anger inside of me was just about ready to burst, so it was making it quite easy for me to use all the force I have keeping Roman in my grasp.

       "I wouldn't try that if I were you," I said. "I have a really hard time controlling my anger and you know what makes me very angry? My husband not being able to remember a single part of our relationship because a certain someone has given him some type of head trauma more than once. And this time, I'm not letting you go so easily."

       "I like to see you try," Roman said. "You may act all tough but there's no way you will actually go through with hurting someone."

       I smiled. "You want to bet? Because let's just say I don't have the most... gentle criminal record."



(get him. get him)

^^pls understand that reference

anyway here is a gif of my precious bean of a son because he's adorable and i love him:

anyway here is a gif of my precious bean of a son because he's adorable and i love him:

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a;onssdf <3

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