6. President's Son

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SP Inc chaos this morning. Everyone busy gossiping about TheHottest Young men they have see after 3years, CEO-to be in 5years, SuthiluckJr.
Their office messages board full of story regarding Suthiluck Jr that they only see his face briefly but never know his name. SuthiluckJr rarely come to SP Inc or attend events with his father or involving their company. The unface heir only come once there is important meeting or Board of Directors meeting held, but it was since he finish his high school and attend university.

Arthit and his co-workers out curiosity has open their inter- messaging board and look up the talks of the town during their breakfast break. One of receptionist has successfully capture his solitude before he go inside elevator special for Higher Management.
At a glance Arthit know who the person, Kongpop Suthiluck, 3rd year Engineering student. Even with his hoodie and black jean or bowed head, Arthit always know Kongpop although by looking from his sideline.
“Did I see him somewhere?” his-cowoker from Accounting Department say.
“He is familiar like I always say him outside SP” other add. All ladies has been swoon by Kongpop picture.
“I am sure he his as good as his father. We will get such fine boss in future” one of the ladies say and all who here it agree,wowing and laugh silently.

Arthit scroll the forum box and see many asking each other about Kongpop. Some even leave a comments and  compliments.
He is soo handsome, I saw him at front door'
‘He look strict but considerate person. Other BOD once praise him'
‘I think he is engineering student, of couse to get the company he need to learn related  courses'
‘I wish to see him'
‘He smile at me! I am melting'
‘I bet he is the best student and best leader'
‘Is he has girlfriend?’
‘I hear he talking to Mr.Suthiluck. His voice is smooth and earable'
‘ I saw his come with his car but it seem familiar, like he always come here but never come out'
‘I saw it too. But he always park at the production site so I can not see clearly'
Arthit close the board and left his breath heavily. People has notice and talking. Arthit quickly finish his drink and walk to his workstation.

“Why is he here yesterday? There is not BO meeting scheduled” P'Nick, one of Production Executive randomly asking while waiting his QA inspection. There only P'Yong, Arthit and P'Mai, the QA  in a charge in the room and no one know who the answer directed to.
“Mybe he just visiting his father” P'Mai finally respond.
“No....he never come inside the building even he come other than BOD meeting” P'Nick argue back. The SP’ gossipers Line message talk that SuthiluckJr is a secretive and mysterious person, he never show his face even when he come to BOD meetings. There is not news or information bout him specifically.

"I donn't understand, why you all into this SuthiluckJr. He just visiting or maybe drop by" P'Mai state. She just curious at the thing happen. Did CEO's son can come and go anytime he want, why border.
P'Nick show a No no finger. "As the Jr, he is the inteligent one, heir with the brain and the face. Although not everyone see him, SP' employees ador him as the child and respect him as a boss"
P'Mai just nod and peoceed his testing. P'Yong who just listen to P'Nick cab not help but agree. Heir with the brain and face, yeah.
“P’Yong, you must know. You are best friend with Mr.Suthiluck” P'Nick ask his senior.
P'Yong just look and raise his shoulder. “Don’t know” He then asking Arthit to join him for lunch, merely to avoid further questions.

Arthit just take simple lunch since has not mood. Since morning, when everyone busy gossiping about SithuluckJR, he suddenly feel less enthusiasm. They are busy googling and digging information but him.
“Are you okey, Arthit?” P'Yong asking as he look at his trainee lifeless character.
“I'm okey, just tired, P” Arthit say back, try to smile.
“Are they keep asking you about Mr.Suthiluck's son too?” P'Yong asking again. Since everyone talking about the Heir that suddenly appear at SP yesterday, seem all employees want to know bout him.
They just take glance on the young Suthiluck, dress in black entire, hoodies and black spectacle walking to the meeting room. There are few secretary and executive fortunately come across him and all is crazy with his smile and gentlemen nature.
“No,P. I just listen to them but no one asking me anything” Arthit reply. P'Yong just nodding.
“I thought maybe they know that person they eyeing is your junior and start inquiry you” P'Yong confer Arthit as he know who SuthiluckJr and Arthit.

Arthit hook his view to his Supervisor. P'Yong look back and Arthit try to understand his meaning.
“I know the heir is your junior, even I saw once you with him. Don't you know or you pretend not to know?” P'Yong speak try to read Arthit mind. He feel that Arthit know Kongpop Suthiluck, even Kongpop want to keep it secret from his Senior.
Arthit breath heavily. His mind wander many thing. If others know he is SuthiluckJr's senior what will happen? Will the crush him for info? Or will they be spektical since Arthit secure the intership at hardly receive intern-company? Kongpop also never tell him and he also never show he know how sucessful this Suthiluck family than other Suthiluck families.
“Never think to much. You deserve to be here and Kongpop never do anything to get you here. And even who is Kong it is, he still the your brat and childish junior. Never feel intimidate with him” P'Yong try to pull up the low-esteem Arthit. Arthit only smile and try to agree with it.

The atmosphere in the bar is nusty as Knott's current atmosphere. People are everywhere, wild drink, playing and dancing to heavy music. And his current situation is full of heavy heart, bleak and grim as hawk just come and kills people, not him but his Arthit.
Out of nowhere, Arthit had call him and ask for a drink. Arthit not a drinker, at lest not on the weekdays night. His voice sound feeble and inspirit as usual.

“So, the problem is you are now afraid people will know Nong Kongpop as Kongpop Suthiluck and Arthit Rojnapat is his Senior?” Knott reconfirm Arthit's word one more time. He has listen to same story 3times, as Arthit tell how his company now digging on Kongpop Suthiluck warebouts.
“Yes. They now searching for his background and his U and his course and his pictures” Arthit spoil back.
“Then, the problem is?” Knott ask again.
“The problem is once they know Kongpop they will know about me, the intern” Arthit answer.
“Then, what the problems when they know it? He is just your junior and best friend” Knott rational back.
“People tend to talk back. The will talk how me, there mere student slot in into the company that rarely take practical student. And they will realise I have a relationship with their CEO to be?” Arthit argue back.
Knott smile to Arthit's remark. “I remember you don't care about he as the heir and people's thinking. Are you suddenly have a mind that Kongpop and you are not in the same level?” Knott asking back. They had talked and Arthit firmly declare his confidence to face SP's CEO and son.

Arthit remember he said that to Knott, but when he hear how smart Kongpop even just a student, then how he has show his credibility and potential as successor to SP Inc, Arthit suddenly feel small and question how he can befriend with Kongpop.
“Kong never discriminate people, he show all is same level as him. He never tell others about himself, it's people noisily taking about him. He like you and you like him as a normal person relationships” Knott say softly. Knott see everything, the way Kongpop friend with Arthit as a junior, co-code, HeadHazer mentee and best friend. Kongpop sincerely look up Arthit and Arthit very much centralise Kongpop in everthing more than him or other HazerTeam gang.

Arthit leave the bar once he realise the clock has strike 10pm. Knott need to drive back 1hour journey to his house. As he sincerely thank you and sorry to Knott for the mere trouble he have, Knot just patting his shoulder and flicks his head. Arthit try to hold it but Knot's flick is too hard as his hand. Cuss to big hand monster!
Knott want to send Arthit back but since their place is opposite to each other, Arthit decline it. He just walk and try to clear his mind.
“Kongpop will laughing at your once he know what you thinking. I bet it never cross his mind that your heartless and lazy brain have energy to worry about unface CEO son” Knott smirk as he left. Arthit just give hateful stare to the comment.

“I just think the useless possibilities. And future. And coming events. Or anything related” Arthit depend as he realise his childish worry that make Knott come faraway.
“Yes..and I know it. However, the searching will stop and others will never care bout Kongpop again” Knott say and Arthit pray for it. Maybe he just overthinking and scare  for nothings.
Knott left Arthit to take his walk. Arthit need to freshing himself without care about SP's gossip. Mere intern do not need to know much. And he is the person who dislike gossiping or care others.
Arthit open back SP' message board. There is new pictures of Kongpop and an articles regarding Mr.Suthiluck want all employees to respect his privacy. With that, all information diggers and gossipers make dead end. Puuhhh!


Thank to @justCarol99, has help me to find Kongpop's company name, Siam Polymer Inc but I shot form it as SP Inc only. 😚
I will try to make amend to the chapter before.
Love you all 💃💃💃💃💃

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