14. Forest

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Fours hours flight from Thailand to Depansar Airport and one hour drive to Ubud make Arthit become moody and nag without stop. As he need to wake up early 8am get ready to airport, flight delays an hour and breakfast server under his liking. Then there is not pink milk to improve his mood.  Even the car already waiting for Kongpop and Arthit at arrival gate to bring them directs to the hotels, Arthit still babbling the journey. As he can't sleep well due turbulence, Kongpop has to deal with irritated Arthit.

“I told you to take evening flight. Not only I need to stay up I also must beware of stewardess  smiles at you” Arthit complain in drive.

“8pm not to early to wake up and directly check in for 9.30am flight,Arthit. And you just bath and dolling yourself as I do all the preparations. As I remember you request first class when I first asking for this. Something like to have luxury holiday. I have boyfriend with heavy pocket word.” Kongpop bluntly answer back.

Arthit frown and hit his boyfriend. “I thought it convenience to have rich boyfriend. I want to be pampered.” Arthit said  between his teeth, grinding.

“Yes, you can. I now and ready to serve your princess nature.  I always ready to do it.” Kong pop admitted.  Arthit growl being call princess. Kongpop love to call him that, as he say Arthit is more prettier, have whitish skin, cutie and act lovey-dovey than him.

“Then tell me where are we? Please, please, please.” Arthit asking his Kong while try to look his surrounding. He look at signboard, but he has no idea which part of Bali he will go. Kongpop zip his mouth closely and promise it will be in his liking.

“You are kidnap me from home after your final and postpone my work at SP but still be secretive to me..” Arthit tell Kongpop short. He bugging Kongpop silence for hint. Arthit is curious. He know Bali as place with good beach and nature scenery. It just what kind of holiday been plan for him. Arthit love backpacking and walk following his mood but Kongpop prefer travel with detail plan.

“Excuse me, kidnap is harsh word when you know we will go holiday before you start working, okey. And you say yourself to wait until your graduation next month before starting. I just convey it to P'Yong” Kongpop mention. Sure Kongpop has adjust Arthit work day to week after his graduation. His father agree as there is no urgency for Arthitv report early. Arthit hear Kongpop grumbled and loosen his hand from Arthit. Arthit smell Kongpop's rage.

Arthit solemnly pitying himself before bring his head at Kongpop shoulder. He feel guilty and just rest before he say more bad words. Lesson learn, when Kongpop angry, it's all because of him and he need to take it consequences.


One thing Kongpop realise since he  together with Arthit is his mood swing. Clearly, Arthit known with his several mood before but Kongpop think he rarely see it change. Arthit as is shy and introvert, try to act normal in front of him. But now, Arthit can not mask it. No, he never mask his mood swings with Kongpop after they become lover. He has become too comfortable with Kongpop till he let his guard down. He act freely, say anything and become more bold in his needed. Not Kongpop complain but to handle it required Kong to be as crazy swing as Arthit.

Arthit one time can be happy person then having sad time. One look he smile then after another look back he is glaring at you. Morning he is spirit men but in the evening he is stressful senior. Sometimes he is grumpy then he his clingy as his nieces.

“Kong..I love you very much. You are the best boyfriend I ever have. You always bring me joy and happiness. I can’t imagine my life without you by my side, Kongpop” Arthit shout as he running around his room.

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