24. Work

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Arthit POV

I try to hold myself from talking hateful words or harsh comments. By lips being hut from hard biting, I want to surpass my angry form but I try to not. My eyes not looking straight anymore as I don't want to look at what has in front of me. I hate it.

“I want the team redo it again. To be perfectly as customer requirements. I think we can do better than this, right P'Fier?” our new Project Planning  asking. Without fear, he asking my superior to re-plan back our design and send it back in week. A Week timeline work when that design are one month hard work? He must be crazy!

“Can you, Arthit?” the question change to me. I look at P'Fier but don't give any respond, either nod or shake his head. He may my Superior but I am the PIC hence the decision is on me.

I remember the sleepless nights my team and me going through to finishing the design. The scratch drawing, unknown materials and countless try and errors will be repeated again. Curses and complains can't be count anymore and he just unguilty throw the proposal back and declares it not only lower our company reputation and has default in certain part. Clearly, nothing perfect in this world and I has considering all aspects before submitting this but the perfectionist Project Executive can point it in first glance. Shit!

“I can do it but in two week. Talk to the client we will give them the exactly final products drawing, blue print and 3D model in two weeks” I tell him straight. Considering their dissatisfied in product specifications and design, not much work to do but working with blue print and computerization will take time.

“10 days” He negotiate.

I shake my head. “14days including weekend, if you still want this projects in our accounts. You know we are still leading the bid and client favourites. Fishing time for the best will give both parties happy. My team and them. That final!” I decide.

I have this kind of encounter for half year already. Arguments, fierce battles, angry situations or countless rejections. I, after appointment as Team Leader for Production Engineering Department responsible  to all current productions products, projects and R&D for SP. It really exhausted me  but I love the challenges and satisfaction once we fulfil the demands. Working with new projects or urgently deliveries, make my adrenaline higher and I am happy with it.

However, working with my new Project Planning Executive make my temper come back. He only 6 month in that position but his demands become hardest day by days. I have reserve this hot blood and hasty attitudes for 3 years, since my HazerYear end and be a good, diligent and hardworking Engineer. Then he, the mere new Planning keep pocking me with his nasty words, look down me and my team credibility and giving me his trademark smirk smiling provoking. His gentleman nature, keep smile, sweet talker, kindness and good looking may influence and blind Others but not me. It's annoying me and he always do thing I hate the most, sexual harassment me!

“Then, I will try to tell them. Try to coax them and try to delay it. I will try while you took your own peace finishing it in two weeks” He provoke P'Fier and me. He has eye on me again, winking his eye and lips his red lips seductive at me. He simply forget about my superior beside me, right?

I nod absentminded, knows he will get us 2 weeks or more depend on his mood. I just want to leave his room faster and breath the air without his present.

“The file, Arthit” He give me back my 3D model, drawings and proposals. I reluctant take it back hoping P'Fier will do it but my senior just sit idle. Our hand touch each when I try to hold behind the stacking files. He cares it to long while he has playful  grinding his face, smile at me. He too happy at my sorrow. He hold my hands don't want to let go it until I hit his leg hard. He shout bit but laughing my act.

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