22. Engineer Couple

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If anyone in Engineering Faculty been ask, who is you favourite’s senior, most of them will answer it Kongpop Suthiluck. The 59th University Moon and Engineering’s HeadHazer last year. He is tall, handsome, have tan skin colour, very stylish and has dazzling smile and sweet voice.  The intelligent, kind and all good personalities  is what you want from a senior. He is MySenior benchmark.

But, if any 58th to 62nd Engineering students been ask, who is your least favourite senior, their answer is Arthit Rojnapat. He is the Attended 57th Engineering Faculty and 59th faculty Head Hazer. He maybe have baby face but he rarely smile and love to say nasty things. He smirk a lot then then smile devilish to punish his juniors, his voice louder as thunder till all juniors turn back with only see his shadow. His gang conker every corner in Engineering faculty and he is the King even he is the smallest. Even after graduated, he still wandering at our faculty like his own place. However, the most annoying fact is Arthit Rojnapat is a robber!

In every faculty has their own hot couple, being envy by others but secretly stalk by everyone.  They are relationship goal. They found each other and fall in love like movies. Too sweet for the eyes, more earing for the ears and  give goosebumps everytime you see their interactions. They fight like a war and reconcile like nothing happen. The love story will be hot topics and references, their actions will be eyeing and the words fly from mouth to mouth days and nights.

Engineering Faculty has the rarest and unbelievable couple. It's most absurd but real, the is reality not fiction drama. Many will questions it but after considering the facts and proofs,  Engineering popular love story from 59th to 62nd intake only have one candidate which is The HeadHazer couple, Gentlemen Kongpop Suthiluck and Evil Arthit Rojnapat! They are just polar opposite to each other. That why many students do not believe it. Everyone take it as a joke first. How their Hot Moon being hook with his Head Hazer. His, he, him..a man?

‘Who say Kongpop take the first move? It's all Arthit. That scary boy become turtle with hard shell, slowly walk to Kongpop's heart and  fight all his and Kong's admires. Did you ever see he glaring eyes to N'Khongfah? It's tense and full of actions, verbally! Plus, the person that all Nongs scare for his high pitch voice and bad temper become so sweet talkers and flowers lover with Nong Kongpop. All daisy and chocolates bites post at Kong's social media are from Arthit and it lots. That only 30% investment on scouting Kongpop. Your Moon is too high maintenance person.  After being lover, Arthit spend more for Kongpop. Who buy a house just because His Boyfriend want to cuddle freely? Just Arthit!” Toota big mouth deny rumour saying Arthit only the receiver in the relationship. Arthit may see as lazy or unmotivated but he is very determined and clear on his goal.

‘I see P' beyond his harsh attitudes and stern voice. He has beautiful smile with that dimples. He acting as tough guy to make others respect him as Hazer. He just clumsy and forgetful men, lack with communication skill and short thinker. Plus, he feel being friendly and socialise are wasting time. He rather sleep or read comics. Did he just like a puppy that need protection? I feel obligated to do it' Kongpop state when Em, his best friend can't understand why Kongpop ignoring all P'Arthit's outrage and be friend with their Evil HeadHazer. Others avoid cross path with P'Arthit but Kongpop deliberately stay all time with him. Oddly, P'Arthit never chase away Kongpop but always make Kongpop sit beside him close. Oddest is P'Arthit prefer Kongpop than his SeniorHazer gang to hangout. Then, who is tailing who?

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